- Eleven -

23 6 0

Arden's P.O.V

Holy mackerel... I can't concentrate on a damn thing. Class is going by extremely slow, and I suddenly hate Art. It's just another class holding me back from seeing him.

I can't think straight. I can't even think at all. All I want is to feel his soft lips move against mine. All I want is to feel his hands grab my waist and pull me closer to him.

I pull my phone out to check the time for the 5th time since class started and when my screen lights up I see a text. I quickly unlocked my phone and when I pulled down the notification bar a smile spread across my face.

Jack: I'm coming over after work. I'm off at 6 today.

Me: okay (:

I locked my phone again and put it away before getting caught. Unfortunately, our school doesn't have the cool art teacher that doesn't care if we have our phones out. In fact, she's the one teacher that takes it if she even sees it sticking out the pocket. Not many of us give in, but then we're served with some type of detention or in house.

The only reason why I even like this class is because it's Art. It's relaxing. Unless we're doing some book work learning about an Artist.. That gets a tad bit boring, but ehhh.

I continue to do my self portrait. We were supposed to do us as kids, to who we are now, to who we see ourselves to be in 10 years.

In 10 years I see myself doing Environmental Science. I want to be a Geologist so bad.

I wonder what Jack wants to do. I wonder what his goals are, his dreams.

The rest of class goes by with drawing and my mind full of him. The rest of the day seems to be the same, I've caught myself off and on doodling hearts all over my papers in class.

Even Mason noticed I've been a bit out of it today.

"I'm just tired." I tell him when he pushes the school doors open, and I walk through. "It wasn't that late when I dropped you off last night." He says and takes my bag from me and throws it over his shoulder while we walk to his car.

"I just couldn't sleep last night." Half truth. "My mom and her boyfriend weren't very quiet if you know what I mean." Lie.

The biggest lie I've told today. Or ever..

"Ooohh..." He says quietly and his nose crunches.

After Mason drops me off at home I rush inside and do my homework as fast as I can, and when I'm done I still have an hour and a half till he gets off. I decided to take a shower to speed up the time, but time only seems to slow when I get out.

As I'm drying off, and putting clean clothes on I hear the front door open and my mom's voice echoes throughout the house.

"Arden, are you home?" Is it bad that her voice annoys me?

"In the bathroom." I answered her. I quickly get dressed, and when I open the door I'm face to face with her.

She looks me up and down then shakes her head. "You need to change into something more casual than pajama shorts and a tank top. I have friends coming over for dinner, and that's not appropriate."

I shrug my right shoulder, "I'll just stay in my room. I'll eat when they leave."

She laughs and starts walking back down the hall, I follow behind her. "Don't be ridiculous. You'll eat with us, like a normal person. So go get changed while I start dinner they'll be here at 6."

"Like a normal person? There's nothing normal-" she slams the cabinet shut, and gives me the most disgusted look. "Don't start with me, Arden. Go. Change. Now!"

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