- Eight -

18 6 0

Jack P.O.V


Andrew has had more drinks than I think he could possibly handle.

Within the first hour he had downed three shots , and had a few mixed drinks. Within the second hour, it doubled. Three hours in he's more than wasted and I don't understand why he would want to get that drunk.

"I miss her, I miss her you know." Andrew stampers and his breath rinks of liquor.

I miss her too, I think to myself.


"Lola was the love of my life."


"Besides Arden, she was my everything. I'd do anything for her."

He started crying, and I kinda started feeling bad for the guy.

"Alright, I think we've had enough, let's get you home." I take his empty glass from his hand and set it on the bar.

I throw one of his arms over my shoulder and I help him get to the car.

"We need to go check on Arden!" He slurs a bit, he can't even hold his head up straight. "How about I get you home and then I'll go check on her."

I wouldn't mind, not one little bit.

"You'd do that?"

Hell yeah you would, little Arden time.

"Yeah, it's cool."

Within the next 10 minutes I got him home, and was already halfway to her house.

When I pull up, my blood begins to boil and if I was the same person I was all those months ago I'd do something drastic.

You are the same person, Jack. Nothing has changed.

There she is, sitting on the porch with some man, and that man isn't Mason or Tyler. Is it her dad? The guy she saw last night? Or some new guy, here to get his way with her mom and possibly her?

I'll kill him.

If I weren't in Andrews car I would have left and came back a little later, but I have no choice but to get out, and when I do Arden stands up from the porch steps. The man beside her eyes me.

"Hey, Jack. What're you doing here?" She asked, walking towards me. When she gets closer she nods her head and we start walking around the house toward the backyard.

"Sorry, you're brother wanted me to come check on you." I tell her once we get through the gate, and she just nods.

She's quiet, and I wish she'd talk to me. Why are you so quiet, Arden? Stop walking and look at me.

I feel like the silence goes on forever and it's eating me alive.

When we're in the center of the yard she sits in the grass, and I take the spot beside her.



We start at the same time and I motion for her to continue.

"Why did my brother not come?" She asked, a part of me wanted to lie, because I know she used to have issues with her brother drinking, but another part of me never wants to lie to her.

You already have lied to her.

"He had a little too much to drink." She sighs and shakes her head. "You're turn." She tells me.

"Are you okay?"

Her eyes meet mine, and my heart breaks. Her eyes are different, they're sad.

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