- Twenty-Six -

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"What?" The doctor, his mom and I say in unison. My heart has never dropped so fast, and my mind has never been more frantic.

I can't handle this on top of everything else.

"You - you don't remember me?" I'm devastated, he can't have memory loss.

Mason's eyes darken and a slow grin starts to form.

"Oh, you know I could never forget you."

"That's nots funny." My lip trembles as I run across the room and throw myself onto his bed and hug him tightly. He moans and groans in pain but he doesn't release me from his comforting arms.

"I've missed you so much. I was so scared." I cry, he strokes his hand through my hair. When I try pulling away he tells me to stay then shifts a little and tells me to lay beside.

"I'm sorry." He runs his hand up and down my arm.

Just when he starts looking around the room another nurse and doctor walks in with a small paper cup and a clear cup with a pill in it. Once she gets to Mason's bed she hands him the pill cup, then the water.

"You were running a fever at the time of your seizure, your temperature was over 105. Everything came back normal, so that's probably why you had it. We will be running more tests soon, but for now, you seem fine. I'll be back to check on you." The Doctor informs him and his mom.

Leslie walks over and starts speaking with the doctor. When Mason hands the cup back to the nurse his eyes land on Dylan.

"Damn, Dylan you look like hell." Mason teases his friend

"Yeah, well not as bad as you." Dylan throws back at him, and when Mason laughs he holds on to his ribs and groans. "Don't make me laugh like that, dick."

We only get to talk a little longer before Officer Louis and some lady in fancy dress pants walks in.

Leslie tells us to go home and that she'll call me in the morning. I give one final hug to Mason before following Dylan out into the hall.

"Do you think he knows who did this? Wait,-" Dylan pauses, "Do you think he knows about, Ty?"

"I honestly don't know. I really don't." I answer both questions.

The ride back to my house is quiet and for that, I'm grateful. I'm able to process what has happened, having Mason back feels like a huge weight has been lifted.

When we pull up, everyone is waiting on the porch. Getting out of the car my mom walks down the steps and looks at me with hopeful eyes.

"Is he okay?"

"Yes." Tears fog my vision, and a smile plays among my lips. "He's awake."

"What?" Jack's voice speaks up loud from the top of the stairs. "Th-that's great, wow!"

"It's amazing, I'm so happy." I gush, and my mom pulls me into a hug. "He's talking to the police now, that's why we had to come back home," I tell them, and my mom nods, we knew he'd have to talk to the police after waking up again, I just didn't think it would be that soon. "plus he probably needs rest, he was running a fever."

I explain what I know to my mom before her, Paul, and Jude retreat back into the house.

"I just want to know who did this." Dylan adds, "People don't just shoot at random."

"Yeah they do, have you never watched the news? That shooting in Vegas, how about that church or sandy hook? or those night clubs, or that Walmart shooting?" Jack lists off and Dylan sighs.

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