- Twenty-Two -

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Ever since we came inside Mason has been exceptionally quiet.

I know he's still upset with me for lying, and I know he's waiting for me to tell the truth but sometimes the truth is better when it's left unknown.

It's been hours now and I'm just waiting for him to finally pop the 'Who was it' question.

Beginning to feel suffocated by the silence I get up to leave the room.

"I'll be right back." I tell the silent man, even though he probably doesn't care at the moment. When I enter the hall I decide it's best to try and call Lance to apologize.

I go out to the front porch since my mom is still in the kitchen baking.

When I call Lance it rings twice before going to voicemail, right when I'm about to text him an apology he starts calling me back.

"You owe me." Is the first thing he says when I answer his call.

"I'm so, so sorry, Lance."

"I didn't mean for your friend to find out. Logan thought he was gone when he said something. I really am sorry." He apologized.

"Don't apologize, you got into a fight because of me. I feel terrible. I got you hurt, and My best friend is so upset with me, it's killing me." I hear the door creak behind me and when I turn around Mason walks out.

"I understand that you're really going through a lot right now, and people are really acting out on emotions but what he did today was out of pure love. You didn't see the look in his eyes when he confronted me about you, he looked like he was ready to take on the world for you."

I'm completely blown away by what he's shared with me.

"Listen, I have to go, Georgia just pulled up and she's crying. I'll talk to you later." Before I could even say bye the line goes dead. I lock my phone and place it in my lap.

Mason leans against the rail on the porch and looks down at his shoes.

"You're my best friend, you know that right?" He finally speaks up, and his voice is music to my ears, I don't enjoy silent treatments especially silent treatments from him. "I'd do absolutely anything for you." He lifts his head just a little and his bloodshot eyes meet mine. "You're the only person in the world that means something to me." When a tear escapes his ocean blue eyes I basically jump to my feet.

"Mase, why are you crying?"

When I go to wipe it away he grasps my hand with his and rubs my knuckles with the pads of his thumbs.

"It hurts that you lied again, I thought you trusted me. You're the only person in the world that I truly care about and knowing that you've been lying to me kills me." I use my other hand to wipe away the steady tears, but I'm careful not to hurt his bruised eyes.

He leans into my hand and my chest begins to tighten.

"Arden." Mason barely says above a whisper, he lets go of my hand and raises it to push a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Why'd you lie?" He asked, I pull away and sit back on the step, I know he needs the truth but I'm not ready yet.

"I'm not the only one keeping things from someone." I point out and he looks more confused than ever. "What're you talking about?" His voice is raspy, and I hate that he's crying because of me.

"Your feelings for me." His eyes grow slightly.

"You're joking, right? That's completely different, Arden." Mason uses the back of his hand to wipe away the remaining tears. He's finally stopped.

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