- Ten -

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I haven't got one minute of sleep since Jack's drunken confession. His words kept repeating in my head over and over and I needed to do something to keep me distracted.

So what did I do? I pulled an all nighter drinking coffee, rearranging my room, and drawing. The moment I heard my mom leave for work I turned the music up started deep cleaning the kitchen and living room.

I washed the dishes by hand instead of using the dishwasher, I dusted, moped, and vacuumed the entire house.

Around 9 my phone started ringing, and I began to panic but it was only my dad.

He still hasn't drank, I'm so proud of him.

"Hey, Baby doll. I miss ya, how are things over there?" I hear shuffling on his end. "I keep myself busy. Friends, homework, cleaning."

I hear him chuckle and it warms my heart.

"Oh!" He gasped, "I bought a silly ole scratch off last night and you'll never believe it!" Hearing the pure joy in his voice is music to my ears. "I won! Not no lousy $5 or $10 dollars either. A thousand bucks, Arden! A thousand!"

"Holy crap, that's - wow!" I'm shocked, and more than happy for him. "That's almost half a down payment on a house!" He exclaims.

My dad and I talk for an hour, and probably would have talked longer if there wasn't a knock at the door.

We exchange goodbyes as I head over to the door, and I'm scared to open it. What if it's Jack, I don't think I'm ready for that talk. Hell tell me he didnt mean it, and although that's what I need to hear Im not sure if its what i want to hear. I dont know what I want.

Relief flows through me when I look through the peephole and see Mason though.

When I open up he smiles and welcomes himself in.

"Good morning, Sunshine." He's always so full of energy. "Sunday, funday! What's the plan missy?" He says as he plops down on the couch.

I shut the door and joined him on the couch. Sitting wasn't my best idea, I could probably fall asleep right now if I closed my eyes.

"Maybe just hang around the house for a bit? I haven't been to bed yet." His eyes are as wide as the moon.. Just kidding, but you get the point. "Why the hell not?"

"Couldn't sleep." It's basically the truth.

Sometime during the first movie I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up four hours later to my head on Masons lap. When I sit up he looks at me with his usual friendly smile then hops up.

"I've been dying, I need to pee so bad."

I rub the sleep from my eyes as he leaves the room.

After waking up a bit I grab my phone and see two texts. One from Andrew and... Oh no, the other from Jack.

I open Andrews first.

Andrew - Hey, Dick

He's always so friendly. I type a quick 'Heller' before going to Jack's text.

Jack - what're you doing?

Does he remember last night? A massive part of me wanted him to remember, I wanted his feelings towards me to be real. I know it sounds insane, I'm willing to admit that.

But, if I'm being honest again, I don't care how wrong it is.

Me: Hanging out with Mason.

As I send it and put my phone in my pocket Mason enters the room again and plops down beside me.

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