-Three -

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When the pizza arrives we huddle around the coffee table and begin to chow down.

"I still can't believe he ordered us pizza." Andrew mumbles as he chews. "Can you not talk with your mouth full of food?" I ask, and Jack laughs.

"I tell him this all the time." Jack says before taking a bite of his slice. "Yeah, I've been telling him all my life. Glad to know some things never change."

Andrew perks up and smiles his biggest smile.

After eating, I help Andrew pick up the empty pizza boxes. As we break them down to throw them away we hear the front door open, then not too long later it closes again and Jack walks in with a case of beer.

"Wanna drink?" Jack asked him as he tore the box open, pulling out two cans. He hands one to Andrew, who happily takes it. Not wasting any time on opening it. He holds out the other one towards me, I shake my head and Andrew pulls his arm away.

"She's only 16." He tells Jack. He looks back at me with a raised brow, then down at his beer. Hes quiet for a moment then laughs and looks back at Andrew. "You didn't drink at 16?" Jack asked him.

"I did. But she doesn't drink."

I try holding my laugh in, but it breaks through my weak lips. Jack looks over at me with a smirk across his lips. Andrew's head snaps towards me.

"What? You drink?"

"Pssh, what? No way. No." I deny, shaking my head.

Andrew's eyes grow wide with shock.

"WOOOOOOOOOW" He drags out. "All the shit you used to give me when I drank every once in a while. 'You're going to be just like him!' or 'You're ruining your life, Andrew!' " he mocks 14 year old me, making Jack chuckle.

"Shut your face. I don't drink a lot. Just sometimes. And it's never beer. That's disgusting." I tell him, Andrew playfully glares at me, and from the corner of my eyes I noticed Jack trying to hide his smile behind his can of beer.

"You just take dad's liquor?" He asked.

"Yeah, he has so much. He doesn't even notice when one is gone. But since there's never any soda I just take shots. I haven't been doing it that long. I started on my 16th birthday." I explained.

"So seven months? And you never told me? again... WOOOOOOOW" He drags out the 'O' again. Andrew can be a tad bit dramatic sometimes.

"Well next time I'll be sure to have what you like too." Jack says as he finishes up his first can and goes for another.

I leave the two big boys in the kitchen as I go back into the living room to retrieve my phone. When I unlock it, I have a text notification.

Mason: what're you doing?

He sent that an hour and a half ago.

Me: sorry, just seen this. Just hanging out with Andrew and his new roommate. Are you done?

Mason: New roommate? Did Him and Lola break up?

Me: how'd you just assume that?

Mason: Lola would never be okay with another person moving in.


Me: well yeah, they broke up. So what're you doing?

Mason: hanging out with Stella since you took years to text back. But if you're down to hangout then I'll come. She's getting annoying.

Me: If you're sure. They're starting to drink, and Andrew is obnoxious when he drinks. Lol

Mason: Well, in that case, I'm on my way to save the day. I'll text you when I'm there.

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