- Twelve -

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Arden's P.O.V

"I'm not really the party type." I say as Logan pulls me out of the house. "It's not really a party, just hanging out with some friends." Lance tells me as we get to the car, the three of us slide into the back seat.

The driver and the passenger look back at us, but turn their eyes on me.

"And who is this?" The girl in the passenger says, with the most friendly smile. "She's our new bestie." Lance says childishly as he throws his arm over my shoulder and pulls me into his side.

"Aww, aren't you guys cute." She gushes, and places a hand over her heart. I laugh and shake my head. "No, he's gay."

The entire car grows quiet, then suddenly they all burst into a fit of laughter.

"Lance, gay? Hilarious." The guy in the driver seat says as he finally pulls away from the curb and heads down the street.

I move away from Lance, and stare him down. "Why'd you lie?"

"Just to fuck with them." He laughs, then leans up a little and pulls his phone out. "It was so Believable." I say quietly.

"Plus, did you see the relief in their eyes when Lance said he was gay? It was hilarious." Logan says, "all the detail, you really sold it."

We drive around for what seems like forever when we finally end up at our destination.

The house is small, tattered, and looks completely abandoned.

"This is our spot." The driver says as well all pile out of the car. "We call it the trap house." The girl smirks at me as we walk up the creaky steps.

When we get to the door Lance uses his arm and shoulder to push it open.

"I'm Georgia by the way." She introduced herself, "and that," she points to the guy who was driving "is my brother, Ethan."

After I tell them both my name a light is turned on and I take my surroundings in.

The place is dark, wallpaper is peeling, and floor boards are missing. There is a small table with a few lawn chairs placed around it. The light that's on is plugged into a small generator.

This place is lovely.

"So, who else is coming?" I asked after I took a seat beside Georgia. "Athena and Fuller were going to come, but they can't make it."

"What do you think about this place, Arden?" Logan asked as he pulled Georgia up from the chair and took it. "That was rude!" She kicks his foot, he leans forward to grab her hand and in one quick motion he pulls her onto his lap and wraps his arms around her waist.

"Um, it's cool I guess. I've never been to a place like this. What do you do here?"

"Human sacrifices." Ethan says slowly, and my whole body stills.

"I'm kidding. Geez." Ethan pats my shoulder as he walks into another room, seconds later he comes back out with a bag and cooler.

"Here we have the drugs, and the beer."

Lance leans down and pops the cooler open and hands beers out to everyone besides Georgia. When he tries handing me one I kindly decline. "You don't drink?" He asked as he placed it back into the cooler. "I drink, just not beer."

He raises a brow and he reaches further down into the cooler. "You drink this?" He asked as he waved a half empty bottle of crown apple toward me.

"I've had that." I take the chilled bottle and open it. It smells good. "We have no chaser, so you just gotta make due with that."

Not a problem.

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