- Eighteen -

18 6 0

This morning I was awake 21 minutes before my alarm was due to go off.

21 minutes early. Do you know how frustrating that is?

I reach for my ringing phone and when I squint at the bright screen I see my dad's name and picture.

"Camping, You down?" Those are the first three words out of my Dad's mouth. "You can bring, Mason too."

"Dad we have school." I throw my blankets from over my legs and slowly sit up in bed. I use my free hand to wipe the sleep away from my eyes.

"Obviously we wouldn't go till Friday evening. But I was thinking we'd go up to Heber."

Heber Az, he loves camping up there. Before our lives went to shit that is where we always went.

Thinking of our good memories excited me, and I couldn't wait to go again to make more.

"Then obviously yes I'd like to go camping with you!"

Before hanging up we talk a bit more then he tells me we'll talk more about the trip later.

I was excited about going, everything I remember about that place is good. And I really, really wanted to hangout somewhere that didn't consist of school or these same four walls.

The only downfall is I have to break it to Jack and I know he won't like this one bit.


"This is for you." Mason hands me a McDonald's Caramel Frappe as I climb into his truck. I happily take it and sip on it before buckling in.

I smile over at him and thank him before taking another drink.

"You seem to be in a better mood today. It makes me happy but kinda nervous too." His smile is small, and he puts the truck into drive and pulls away from the curb.

"Well, I'm kinda happy." I say after taking yet another drink and setting it down in the cup holder. "Why are you nervous about my happiness?"

"Did you hangout with your new boyfriend or whatever last night?"

"No," I lied and noticed him relax. "Actually, my Dad called this morning and invited me to go camping!" I say happily. Mason looks over at me with the biggest smile so far this morning.

"Damn really? I can't wait. Is it by the lake or river? I wanna go fishing."

I laugh at his excitement. He's more excited than me, it's too cute.

I mean funny.

"Who even said you could come?" I asked, and he looked at me as if I asked the world's dumbest question. "You're obviously going to invite me, duh silly goose." He removes his hand from the steering wheel and pokes my cheek.

"I was thinking about it, he said I could."

"Thinking about it? That hurt a bit." He says, his mood starts to die down. "Well you know it's not that I - " he shakes his head and waves me off. "It's your new guy friend thing, I know, I get it. But we're best friends. He's gonna need to learn to get over it."

I agree with him.. Though I'd never admit that to Jack because it would not get me anywhere.

As well pull into the parking lot my phone vibrates. I pull it out and it's a text from Jack saying that he couldn't hangout after work today because he was hanging out with people from work at Andrews.

Me: I'll be crashing your party later lol

Jack: You better keep your pretty little ass home and I'll see you tomorrow.

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