- Six -

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Something I use to actually enjoy. It kept me busy and helped distract me from my messy life. But lately, it's something I can't stay focused on. No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to get through a paragraph without having to start at the beginning again.

Jack, my brother's 24 year old roommate has been consuming my every thought.

To me, it's a silly little crush. To others, I know it wouldn't be taken lightly.

Actually, is it really even a silly crush? I mean, I've never had a crush on anyone. I thought people were cute but I've been so dead set on not dating and staying drama free that I've basically sworn off all relationships. But here comes a grown man, and I'm about ready to give up my whole no dating rule and give my whole self to him.

"Arden. Maybe we should take another break? You seem really out of it again." Mason suggested, but I shake my head and sit up straight. "No, I'm sorry. This week has just been nothing but one boring assignment after another." I lie, and he cocks his perfect brow up, and smirks.

He looks down at the textbook in my hands then meets my gaze again. "I thought you loved Bio."

I looked back down at my book and shrugged. "Not this topic I guess."

After a few minutes of talking I was able to push Jack and all his glory to the back of my mind long enough to finally finish.

As I shove my books back into my bag Mason bounces on my bed before falling back against it.

"I'm hungry." I say and I lay back beside him. He digs down into his pocket and pulls out his phone. "It's only 5. Want to go get McDonalds?" he asked as he shoved his phone back into his pocket.

"I don't have money." I tell him, and he gives me a funny look. "Okay, and?"

"Honey I'm home!" Andrew sings as he bursts through my bedroom door. I jump up quickly.

Oh no. Oh no, no, no! He can't be here. He doesn't know about our parents yet. He'll be so mad.

Not mad. Furious.

"Wh-what're you doing here?" I stutter. Andrew's smile only grows wider as he looks between Mason and I. "Were you guys making out?"

His mind always goes there.

I shake my head and climb off my bed. "Mason wants too." Andrew teases, I roll my eyes, then grab Mason's hand to pull him off my bed. "Shut up. No he doesn't."

Andrew laughs. 'Shut up, Andrea." Mason says as he pulls his hand out of mine to bend over and put his shoes on. "We were just about to go get food, you should come." I say, trying to rush both men out of my room... Out of the house.

Andrew still doesn't know about mom being gone, and he'll be more than pissed off if he finds out that she's been gone for a week. I can't handle- "Andrew? Wow-" Our dad drops his bags by the front door, he closes it behind him and takes a good look at my brother. "I uh, It's good to see you, Bud."

Andrew nods then looks back at me. "Yeah, you too." He says chillingly calm. "You look good too. Finally realize your drinking was ruining the family?"

Shit. Fuck. Fuck. Shit.

"Actually your m-"

"Hey guys, I'm really hungry we should get going." I interrupt and start pushing Andrew towards the door. As he steps out I turn back to grab Mason, but stop short when the words that come out of Andrew's mouth completely throw me off guard.

"Hey Mom." I hear heals click softly across the porch. I turn slowly and block the doorway. Her smile fades instantly and a look of sadness and regret replaces her once cheerful expression.

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