as i walked down the street, i saw a different way

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the rain  still isn't here
but an angel is
i like the angel
he's cute
but i don't think
he'll like me

shinwon sat up quickly after hearing hyunggu's yell. the yell also shocked joshua but not as much as it scared sinwon, it almost scared shinwon too much. joshua wrapped his arms around the boy making sure he was okay, he wasn't. but he wouldn't tell an angel that. "i mean at least yanan is getting some..." shinwon giggled happily, joshua jokingly gasping in shock. "shinwon~~"

when shinwon thought joshua was asleep he crawled off his bed and went into the bathroom. pulling his pajama pants down to expose his scarred thighs. grabbing a hidden blade to add a few more cuts. his thoughts told him he deserved this. and he believed the voices. so he drew 'x' marks all over his thighs then covering them with band aids. his eyes were filling with rain drops.

joshua heard the thunder of shinwon's sobs. he bit his lip and thought about what to do. he could tell shinwon was trying to be quiet. but joshua still heard him. he stood up and walked over to knock on the door. "yeah, joshua?" shinwon asked quietly.

"are you okay?" he asked through the door.

"yeah i'm fine shua." shinwon lied his teeth clenching together as he pushed the blade harder.

"okay..." joshua sighed as he walked back to the bed.

"get up sleepyhead." joshua said tickling jun's sides. yanan had called joshua to get jun to wake up, as yanan didn't want to hurt the boy.

"i'm up....i'm up" jun groaned getting off of yanan purposley as slow as can be.

"get off me~" yanan whined cutely. jun giggled louder and decided to stay on yanan's lap although the boy had requested other wise.

"josh-hyung!" yanan yelled jokingly. "yeah yanan?" joshua asked smirking.

"get him off me." yanan begged looking like a goddamn puppy. "the deal was for me to wake him up, he's up, have fun with your journey." joshua giggled mischeviously.

"jerk!" yanan yelled as joshua walked away. "thank you." joshua yelled back.

"what's for breakfast hyung?" shinwon asked sitting down at the kitchen counter next to changgu.

"chocco pancakes with eggs and backon." hongseok smiled at the younger.

"shin-" changgu started but was cut off by wooseok screaming.

"what's wrong??!!" hongseok yelled running upstairs his apron still tied on his waist.

"hyung!! there's blood!" wooseok screamed as he looked at the bloody bathroom counter.

"what??!" hongseok exclaimed. they had found what shinwon had done and he knew that he was dead. but to be completely honest he wouldn't care. changgu had ran upstairs to see and the other boys were already there. shinwon walked in and saw the blood on the counter he was about to break down crying.

but then hoetaek and jinho walked in. "what's wronng?" jinho rushed over dropping his bag at the door. no matter how much shinwon was mad at him he had to admit that jinho wasn't the worst brother ever.

"there's blood hyung~" wooseok whined grosses out by the blood.

"why?" jinho asked pushing shinwon out of the way to get a better look. shinwon fell due to the push but no one was really paying attention. he really felt the rain drops coming now, he had landed on his wrist weirdly. but he kept quiet and stood back up even with the pain in his wrist.

joshua and jun had gone home before the blood incident, thank god, but hongseok still contacted them to see if they knew anything about it. hoetaek helped jinho clean the blood and for some reason, jinho was glaring at shinwon the whole time. and that made shinwon so mad. why does his hyung hate him as much as he does? what did shinwon do wrong? shinwon has no clue but oh did he hope that jinho would tell him. he needed to fix it what ever it is.

joshua and jun knew nothing or at least said they didn't which didn't shock anyone but still shocked everyone if that makes sense, how could they not have a clue.

the rain had come again and shinwon was staring out his window. watching the rain drops fall to the ground, watering the grass in the front yard. but then he saw something that made him get up and outside immediately, a bunch of boys were beating up yuto.

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