As if the rain has soaked them up

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with no tears left
and the rain pouring down my face
I want to be with you in the rain
but it is to difficult right now,

little gigyeong was still in the ICU when hongseok came home for the first time, he was greeted with hugs and yells of celebration. and questions full of worry. "she's okay, both my girls are okay." He smiled happily as they all sat down with him. well all but changgu, jinho, and hoetaek. they weren't allowed to leave the house.

back with changgu, hoetaek, and jinho, they were curled up in jinho's bed, changgu in the middle as hoetaek ran a hand through his hair and the two eldest sung him to sleep. he hadn't slept at all the previous night. and just as changgu was falling asleep, jinho's phone rang, from a contact under the name BABIE🖤. he quickly sent the call to voicemail, but not fast enough for the other two to not notice.

"who's that, hyung?" changgu mumbled tiredly.

"it doesn't matter, aegi, go to sleep." he kissed the top of changgu's head.

"i won't sleep until you tell me." changgu persisted opening his eyes wide.

"his name is Jeremiah, he's from Africa, but he lives here in Korea, and-and-I love him." he said his voice shaking. "jo jinho. get the fuck out of my house," their father seethed.

shinwon, jiwon, hyunggu, yuto, yanan, wooseok, and jun were cuddled up on the couch watching the bee movie, with korean subtitles, when shinwon received a message from hongseok. he quickly shared it to the TV screen and hit play of the video.

it showed a little 1.6 kilogram baby. her skin was red and on her small hospital bracelet it read 'Jo Juno Gi-Gyeong.' you could hear crystal cooing behind the screen and hongseok saying "say hi to your uncles princess." his voice held so much joy, the boys hadn't heard him that happy for a long time.

as the screen faded black the boys squealed in excitement before going back to their movie. jiwon and shinwon kissing eachother every so often. and as the credits rolled, the boys heard mr.choi call from the kitchen that it was time to eat, and for those boys their was a settled happiness, and everyone was smiling, and those boys were happy for the first time in a while.

"what?" jinho asked shocked, tears piling in his eyes.

"get out." his father repeated. "b-b-but Appa, I've done everything for you." He was shaking, it was the first time anyone had seen jinho like this, other than jeremiah.

"pack up, jo jinho." his father threw a glare at him before leaving. changgu wrapped his arms around jinho softly.

jinho's body shook as hoetaek started packing the three boys' bags. as they started to get ready to leave, changgu secretly grabbed something, and carefully cut it in  his suitcase. you must be wondering what he grabbed?

there's things you don't know about jinho. jinho had always hid stuff as the oldest, and always followed his parents orders. he wasn't lying when he said he had done everything for his parents, he hated shinwon for his parents, he was always his parents' jinho. the only thing that jinho had that was really his in his 19 years of life, was jeremiah. but there is one big thing that no one but their parents knows about jinho. even jinho doesn't know this. the day that jinho was born, was a perfectly sunny day, until they arrived at the hospital. when they arrived at the hospital...when they arrived at the hospital, it started raining.

the three brothers made the brave decision to knock on mr.choi's door. but it wasn't mr. choi who opened the door, it was yanan. and yanan looked at the boys, pulled changgu inside, and then slammed the door in hoetaek and jinho's face. jinho's heart burst. he had let his parents turn him into them, to the point that yanan slammed the door in his face. the door opened again, yanan pulled hoetaek inside as well. jinho was left on the porch of mr.choi's house. before he turned around to leave he took out a piece of paper and left a note on the door.

'I'm sorry my brothers. i know it ISNT enough. im sorry. i Love you, please take care of each other, I'll bring the rest of your stuff from the house over during the nights, love jo jinho.'

as changgu started unpacking his bag, the brothers looked at him in shock. "i didn't know you brought that." hoetaek commented picking the thing up from the floor and hanging it on the wall of the room they were going to all stay in.

what the thing was???

it was the painting, changgu painted when he was eleven, the picture of all of them, the only picture of all of them.

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