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"I really fucking hate you Johnathan. I really believed in this and us but I really just don't know what to say."

"Look I'm really sorry Maeve. Let me explain please. I blacked out that night. I didn't mean to."

I saw her walk out to the game room and there she was crying in the corner. Poor Maeve I thought to myself. I always tried to give her warnings and I saw this coming. I wanted to go to her so bad and comfort her but I knew this wasn't a good time because I had just ruined our friendship by telling her that Johnathan was a piece of shit. And well this turns out to be true.

Johnathan was a jock that every girl dreamed of dating. He was fit and muscular and his deep manly voice always stood out. He always wears this cologne from Hermès that makes me nauseous, but was hot to certain girls, including Maeve. His adam's apple was also another feature of his that makes all the girls drop to the ground. When Maeve started dating Johnathan, jealousy was everywhere. I knew it wasn't going to turn out well because Johnathan was insanely flirty. When I told Maeve this, she argued with me and we got into this somewhat large fight. She stopped talking to me for a few days but now I hope she knows that I'm right.

Maeve was a beauty. Her smile would literally brighten up everyone's day. Her dark brown eyes always flattered me. Maeve always has her hair in a pony tail and it would always move side to side when she walked. When she smiles, her dimples always made me blush. I was in love with her and she doesn't know and she never will. I might've been the happiest person in the world when Maeve and Johnathan broke up.

I couldn't stand her crying and decided that I was going to comfort her, although we weren't on the best terms.

"Hey Maeve?"

She continued crying and pretended like I wasn't there.

"Look I know you're mad at me right now but I really don't want to see you like this. Talk to me Maeve."

And again. She continued sobbing and kept on ignoring me like I wasn't there.

I sat beside her for a good 10 minutes and continued waiting for her until she stopped crying.

Suddenly Maeve hugged me and started to cry on my back. She hugged me so tight I felt my spine tingle. This made my heart skip 10 times faster.

"I love you Haley." murmured Maeve.
"Love you too." I said.

I hugged her back even tighter and it made me feel phenomenal. I was in love with Maeve and maybe I might really have a chance here. I smirked and continued hugging her.

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