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"Hi, Maeve. I will be asking you some questions that I want you to answer honestly. It will be pretty quick," said the police officer to Maeve.

"Okay sounds good," said Maeve.

"Okay so were there any history between you and Johnathan?"

"Yes, sir."

"And I heard you dated Haley. Is that correct?"

"Yes. Correct."

"So why'd you and Johnathan break up?" asked the police officer.

"Well, he cheated. But later we found out he didn't and he acted like he did so that he could break up with me because he's secretly gay. Then he was still in the closet. But later on, he came out to his parents, Haley, and me."

"I see. So when did you and Haley start dating?"

"Well, we dated after like a month after Johnathan and I broke up."

"Were you and Johnathan in good terms before the car accident?"

"Not really. I was already upset with Haley cause she was giving Johnathan more attention than me. But Johnathan and I didn't talk at all that day. I just told Haley to confront him."

"Were you more upset with Haley or Johnathan?" asked the police officer.

"Honestly, I was more upset with Haley that day. Because no matter what I should've gotten more attention than him because they just had gotten closer and we've been best friends since we were young."

"Okay. That's enough for today. Thank you for your cooperation," said the police officer as he escorted Maeve out of the interrogation room.


Johnathan's name was then called by the police officer.

They then entered the room.

"Okay, I will be asking you questions. You must try to answer them as honestly as possible," explained the police officer.

"Sounds good sir."

"First thing is what happened that night in the car. Tell me as much as you can remember."

"Well, since it wasn't a school night, my dad, mom, and I decided that we should grab some snacks and kind of do a movie night/party in the middle of the night like 1, almost 2 in the morning. So then my dad and I went to 7/11 to grab some pizza and like chips and soda. It's kinda been a blur but I believe that we started discussing my sexuality cause I came out to him recently and he wasn't too happy that I was gay. But he told me that he accepts me. Then all of a sudden as we were talking we just crashed. I don't remember if it was a hit-and-run. I'm pretty sure it is," explained Johnathan to the officer.

"Oh okay. Well we thought it was just a car accident but then some investigators found out that it might be someone involved in this case that tried to harm you guys," said the officer.

"Well I know but who would want to kill my dad and me?"

"That's exactly what we are trying to figure out. I mean what do you think? Who do you think would be so pissed that would harm you and your dad like that, or maybe that person only wanted to hurt you not your dad. Or it could even be the opposite way," said the officer.

"Well the only people I could think of that was pretty pissed at me is Maeve. But I mean what are the odds. I don't think she is that pissed at the point she would want to kill me," said Johnathan.

"Enough information for now. You just gave me an actual suspect," said the officer to Johnathan.

Then the police officer and Johnathan came out of the room.


"Alright, guys. Well, that's it. I only needed Haley, Maeve, and Johnathan actually. We do have a suspect and we will inform the Reed family later on after we find more evidence and connect it with the suspect. Thank you, guys," said the officer.

We then left the station. I was eager to know who the suspect was. It was either Johnathan or Maeve.

On the car ride home, Mom asked me how the interrogation went.

All of a sudden I got a text from Johnathan.

Johnathan: Haley.

Me: Hi, what's up?

Johnathan: This sounds so fucking messed up but when the police asked who I think the suspect was, I said Maeve and I made up some random reason on why it could be her.

Oh my god. Johnathan could go to jail for saying misinformation to the police.

Me: Why would you do that Johnathan?

Johnathan: Can't tell you here. Meet me at Longdale park right after school.

I really wonder why in the world Johnathan would

Me: Okay.

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