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Mom came to pick me up from Maeve's house Sunday morning to go check on Johnathan for a little while. As we got to the hospital I could see Allison that she was coping a lot better than the last two days.

"Hey Johnathan," I said.

"Hi, Haley?"

"Yes, I'm Haley. Nice that you remembered," I responded.

"I'm starting to remember a lot of stuff actually. Mom's been telling me stuff about you and I can start reminiscing some stuff now," said Johnathan happily.

"I'm glad," I said as I smiled.

"Are you and Maeve dating?" asked Johnathan.

"Yeah, we are actually. I'm glad you remembered that. You even helped me with how to start talking to her and stuff. You gave me some advice."

"I did?"

"Yeah, you did."

I was really happy he was starting to remember a lot of stuff now.

"I also played volleyball. I have some memories that too. I was really good," he said.

"Yeah, you are actually. But you don't play as much anymore because there's a lot of school work lately and you wanna start focusing on academics than sports," I explained.

I didn't want to tell him the real reason why he quit volleyball. I didn't want him to remember that.

"I actually remember Issac. He was on my team. He was really good too," said Johnathan.

"I don't really know Issac but that's cool that you remember him," I said.

"Yeah," responded Issac.

I tried as much as to change the subject so that he doesn't remember stuff about what happened with Issac and him.

"You want anything to eat Johnathan?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure. I want some sushi. It's actually my favorite food."

"Okay great. I'll go by Sushi Stop with my mom," I said.

I went outside the room to go find Mom so that we could go buy some sushi. I finally saw her in front of the vending machine purchasing a bag of chips.



"Can we go get some sushi?"


"For me and Johnathan. He's craving some sushi and so am I. We've been actually catching up with so much stuff lately. He's starting to remember about a lot of stuff. He even remembers that sushi is his favorite food. And he told me about volleyball and Issac. But I tried to always change the subject when he brought up about Issac. I don't want him to remember about what happened with him and Issac," I said.

"That's good he remembers a lot of stuff. But yeah let's go get some sushi for you two," said Mom.

We then drove to Sushi Stop to order some sushi. I bought California Rolls for Johnathan and I. We then arrived at the hospital. I walked up to the room Johnathan was at. As I opened the door, I saw him crying. I quickly got up to him to ask what was wrong.

"Johnathan, what's wrong?" I quickly said.

"I remember about Issac and everything. I'm starting to remember a lot of stuff."

Oh fuck. I said to myself.

"I didn't want to bring that up cause I knew that you would be sad."

"I remember every single thing that happened today. I'm starting to recollect all my memories."

At least it was good that he doesn't have amnesia and he's starting to remember a lot of things.

"Well don't be sad anymore. He got suspended," I comforted him.

"I know I remember," said Issac.

"Here I brought our sushi. Let's eat and put on a movie," I said.

"Okay let's eat," cried Johnathan as he happily looked at the California rolls I bought him.

"God this is so good," said Johnathan with a mouth full of sushi.

"I know," I said while laughing.

"So you starting to remember me now?" I asked.

"Yep. I think I'm good again like normal and I'm sure I don't have amnesia at all. I didn't really remember you guys yesterday because I just started getting conscious and I wasn't really awake you know," he said.

"Good good. Your mom would be very happy if you tell her that you're all good now. Do you know when you're gonna come be released from the hospital?"

"I'm not sure but hopefully this week. I'm gonna go to my dad's funeral though."

"Yeah, I'm really sorry about him," I said.

"It's okay at least we know he's now resting with peace," said Johnathan.

"Yeah, your right."

Although we put on a movie on the TV we didn't really watch it but instead just talk.

"I'm tryna think about what really happened that night Haley," then said Johnathan.

"Do you remember why you guys were out late at night at 3 am?" I asked.

"Yeah, I kinda do. My mom, dad, and I decided that we should put on a movie and just party the three of us late at night at our house. So then my dad drove me to 7/11 so that we could get some food for our little party. Then my dad and I started to get into an argument but I don't encounter why we were even arguing. Then bam we hit something I think was a tree or a car but that was all a blur. I was unconscious and blood was everywhere."

"Damn. Aren't the police still investigating it?"

"Yeah, I think so. We might get the results today actually," responded Johnathan.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.


"Hi this is officer Hatchet is Allison Reed around?"

"Hi, officer. She's not around but is there anything I can help you with?" I responded.

"Just let her know that we have fully investigated the accident and it is not just a car accident. It's actually a crime scene," said officer Hatchet.

Oh my god, I thought to my self. I could see Johnathan just staring at us.

"Allison might be around here somewhere. I'll give a call if you can wait here for just a minute," I said.

"Alright sounds good."

I quickly called Allison and she answered.

"Officer Hatchet is here. Are you around? He needs to talk to you," I said over the phone.

"Yeah, I'm around. I'll be right there," said Allison as she hung up.

"Okay she's coming now," I said to the officer.


Allison was finally here. Officer Hatchet told Allison that it was a crime scene and it could be a homicide. The police will first have to start finding a person of interest so that he can start finding a suspect. The police will first interrogate the closest friends and family to Johnathan which is me, Mom, Maeve, Tom, and even Allison. I was shocked that this was actually going to be a homicide case. I really wonder who in the world would do the Reed family like this.


I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far. Thank you for over 200+ reads. I honestly appreciate it.

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