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I was so glad that it was finally winter break. Past months have been exhausted and this break, I just want to focus on my self and get some work done to bring up my grades.

I got out of bed to make some french toast.

"Morning honey," greeted Mom.

"Hey, morning."

"What you making?"

"Just some french toast. Craving it for some reason."

"Here. I'll make it for you. Go sit down and relax."

"Alright, Mom. Thanks."

"God I haven't made you some french toast in a while," laughed Mom.

"I know right?"

"This will be the best you've ever eaten so far, trust me."

"Alright," I laughed.

After about 10 minutes, the french toast was ready.

I took a big bite and was in awe by how delicious it was.

"Mom what the heck, this is so good," I cried with a mouth full.

"Oh, stop exaggerating now," Mom laughed.

"Seriously, Mom," I cried as I took another huge bite.

Mom made some coffee and I poured a glass of orange juice. It felt good spending the morning with Mom.

"Shopping today?" Mom asked me while we watched TV in the living room.

"Yeah sure."

"Great. We can go at like maybe 1 pm."

"Sounds good. What are you buying?" I asked.

"I don't even know. I'm just bored and since it's break, a little bit of shopping doesn't hurt am I right?"

"Right," I responded.


"This is so cute Mom," I cried as I l pointed at the red and blue flannel.

Mom smiled and gave a call. I wasn't sure who.

"Hey, Allison," said Mom.

Oh, she was calling Allison.


"Haley and I are at the mall today. You should come by," said Mom over the phone.

"Can't. Maeve and Tom are coming over today for dinner."

"Oh okay. That's fine."

"Thanks though. I'll talk to you later," said Allison as she ended the call.

"What'd Allison say?" I asked with curiosity.

"I asked her if she wanted to join us. She said she couldn't. Tom and Maeve are coming over."

"What's Maeve and Tom gonna do?"

"I don't know, I guess just a quick visit."

"Hm, okay," I responded.

We spent the last two hours shopping. Mom got a couple of shirts and I got a cute necklace from Brandy. We ended the night by going to a boba place near the mall. I got boba milk tea and Mom got green milk tea with boba.

"I'm tired," I sighed.

"I am too. It's been a night."

"Yeah, it is," I responded.

"I'm gonna go to bed Mom. Night," I said.

"Alright good night," Mom responded.

I changed into my pajamas and rested in my bed. I went on my phone until I got a text from Maeve.

Maeve: Hey

What does she want now?

Me: Hi

Maeve: Since it's winter break, you wanna go hang at our usual place. I'm really bored.

I hated that Maeve was acting like literally nothing just happened between us.

Me: Sorry I can't.

Maeve: Why not?

Me: Maeve. I'm not gonna act like nothing just happened between us.

Sorry I had to say it.

Maeve: Look, I'm really sorry.

I didn't say anything.

Maeve: I seriously am. Can we be friends again, please?

I still didn't text her back anything.

Maeve: I can explain to you. Can we just meet and talk about everything?

Me: Well okay fine then.

Maeve: Okay great. Longdale park, tomorrow?

Me: Alright.

Maeve: Okay see you.

I wanted closure and hopefully, I get it tomorrow.


Hey guys! I know I broke my writing daily routine because I've been pretty lazy and BUSY these past few weeks. I will be right back on track. I know some things took a big turn. Give me your thoughts on Johnathan. Are you guys against him or not?

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