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August 25th 2013

"I can't keep doing this," the tired sigh comes from the blonde sitting on the edge of the bed, her previously pinned curls cascading down her back as she faces away from green eyed boy on the bed. "Hey.." the British accent stings, she's so in love with him, "look at me."

Harry's fingertips graze the milky white skin of Taylor's back and the blonde pulls the bed sheet tighter around her body as she turns to face him.

"Come 'ere," he guides her into his arms and the nineteen year old boy sighs as she rests her head on his chest, the curves of her body fitting perfectly into his. "It's been months, love, we don't have to keep pretending."

Since their relationship started last year, Taylor and Harry were subjected to months of rumours and lies and a whole new world of people desperate to see them fall apart. It broke them and only three months in they were forced apart as it all finally became too much to take. At least, that is what the world thinks.

"They would never let us be together, Harry, the world would tear us apart," salty tears slowly flow from Taylor's eyes, they'd had this conversation before and every single time it ended the same. "You mean so much more to me than the press, Taylor, you know that," his thumb gently wipes the tears from the cheeks of the blonde and she traces gentle shapes over his abs.

"You couldn't do that to the guys, we both know that," She sighs, knowing the hours are ticking down until their inevitable goodbye. "Then stay with me, for now, just be here with me," Harry kisses the crown of Taylor's head, holding her tight instead of arguing. He knows all too well that the stubborn woman isn't going to listen to his argument, so for now his only option is to hold her and pray that for a while the world will pause around them.

The VMA's were a tough night for the couple, constantly pretending that they aren't so desperately in love with each other always drains them more than they really need to express to the other.

The last few months in general have been draining; both of them currently in the middle of huge world tours, trying to find time for themselves whenever they can whilst also trying to prevent the paparazzi from finding out about their relationship. Harry's been on a break for the last two weeks and he heads out Australia at the end of September, but Taylor only has one more day until she has to go to Sacramento and she can't bear the thought of saying goodbye to Harry one more time.

"Come with me," she mumbles into his chest, desperate to prevent their goodbye for just a little longer, "just a few more days, please, just stay a few more days." Harry sighs, hearing the sadness in Taylor's voice. He hates their goodbyes just as much as she does, neither of them knowing when they will be reunited again, "you know I would stay with you if I could, love, but if I'm not in the studio with the guys my manager will go bezerk."

It's the middle of the night and Taylor is staring out of the window as Harry trails his fingertips up and down her back. She knows he can't go against his manager, but she had to try.

"Are we ever going to be out of the woods?" Holding each other tight, the young couple watch the twinkling stars in the night sky through the bedroom window and Harry's brow furrows at Taylor's question, "one day, darling, one day."

Taylor hopes for the sake of both of their hearts that Harry isn't making a promise that he can't keep.

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