~E L E V E N~

539 19 3

November 27th 2013

Exactly two weeks after the Victoria Secret runway, Taylor is getting ready to fly out to do the Australia/New Zealand leg of the tour. She's excited to perform, even if it is a little harder right now, but she isn't looking forward to being away from Harry for the next month. Neither of the pair are particularly happy because within the month she's gone, they're going to miss spending their one year anniversary and Taylor's birthday together.

"It's gonna be alright, darling, I swear to you," Harry is trying his best to comfort the nervous blonde as she cries over the phone. If she thought saying goodbye before was hard, she never could have anticipated how horrible it would feel when she was nearly five months pregnant and almost a full twenty four hour flight away from him. He's still on the press circuit for Midnight Memories which was released two days ago.

"What if something happens, Harry? What if we need you and I'm stuck all alone in another country?!" As always, her anxiety is getting the best of her, and with hormones added into the mix there's no holding back the tears. "Nothings gonna happen, Tay, you're going to do your seven shows and then when you're home, you're going to get on a plane with your mum and dad and the whole crew, and we're going to have our first family Christmas, alright? Just like we wanted." Harry has to be with the boys right now and as much as they both hate it, it's how it has to be if there is any chance of his getting to be there for their baby's birth.

"I hate this, Harry, I hate that you have no control," she frowns as she rubs her bump, trying to comfort herself, "I do too, love, but I have to do what management says," Taylor sighs as she locks her eyes onto one of the framed pictures of the pair, "It's not right, Harry, they shouldn't be treating you guys this way, it's inhumane." Since Taylor met Harry, she's had an insight into just how hard the boys have it. They're constantly on tour or performing and if they're not they are in the studio or doing press.

Harry's already skating on thin ice with his management team. They're not happy about how much time he wants to spend with Taylor and they have the power to destroy his career if he doesn't comply to his contract.

"I know none of this is ideal, and our little one certainly didn't choose the best timing, but we're going to be just fine. We'll be together again before you know it." Knowing that she's on limited time with him, she decides not to keep going with this, it's definitely not an easy topic for either of them.

"How're things going?" The blonde sighs as she sinks back into her million pillows, stroking gentle patterns over her baby bump. "We're going into an interview in about half an hour, but we're all exhausted, love. I can't wait to get back to you and our girl," his last comment makes Taylor smile, "we don't know if we're having a girl yet, Har."

They've been going back and forth about this since they found out she was pregnant, but Taylor is determined not to find ot because at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. 

"Come on, Taylor! We all want to know," The blonde chuckles as the Irish accent comes through the phone, "well, you can all wait until May." There's a collective groan and she shakes her head, "spoil sport!" She thought that the longer they were together then the more normal all of the British accents surrounding her would be but it's still surprising when one of the other boys pitches in. "I should go, Har, I need to finish packing before Tree gets here. Text me when you're out of your interview?" She doesn't really wanna hang up but when she hears voices on the other end then she knows Harry probably should too.

"Alright, love, I gotta go too. I love you and I love our little angel, don't push yourself too much." They share a few more quick words and then Harry has to rush off, leaving Taylor to hang up with a sigh, "your daddy is getting run off of his feet, little one, I just hope he can be here when you arrive, I don't know if I'll be able to do this alone." Harry has been begging his management to make their tour dates later in the year, that way he can be there when the baby is really little, but they won't know for a while yet. 

"Harry, get a move on!" He sighs as he slips his phone back into his coat pocket, following the other lads and rolling his eyes. "Let it go, Haz, you need to stay in their good books," Zayn rests a hand on his shoulder as they walk towards the sound stage. Harry knows he's right, if he wants to be in Nashville with Taylor when their baby arrives then he needs to do what management wants. 

They get in and seated before the cameras start rolling again and Niall and Zayn are on either side of Harry. They're taping the Jonathan Ross Show today and Taylor and the baby have been brought up in almost every interview they've done on the press tour thus far, something Harry isn't exactly happy about but isn't surprised about either. "Harry," he gets nudged and breaks out of his trance, "smile or they'll get mad, come on." He sighs and nods back to Liam, the boys know how conflicted he is in all of this, but there's nothing anyone can do - he and Taylor are big news apparently. 

"Alright lads?" Jonathan walks out to take his seat and they all mumble a few greetings and make small talk before the cameras start rolling again. The boys get introduced and Harry forces a smile as the interview starts, but almost immediately he's the main topic of conversation. 

"So, Harry, you're going to be a dad!" The studio audience cheers as he laughs, Zayn patting his back as the brown haired boy nods, "I am, yea." He runs his fingers through his hair and smiles, "give us the scoop everyone is dying to know. Is it a little Harry or a Little Taylor?" He throws his hands up as he laughs, "I would tell you if I could, but I don't know. We want to be surprised when the little one arrives."

Talking about the baby and Taylor is always risky because they want to keep their life together private, so he's always cautious to not say anything more than is already public knowledge. "Are you excited? You're so young still, are you going to miss the partying lifestyle?" Harry shakes his head as he clasps his hands, "I've never been more excited about anything, I would give up anything to be a good dad." He doesn't see the point in lying, there is nothing that could ever stop him being the best dad that he can be, "he's not kidding, he's turned into an old man the last few months."

Harry glares at Louis as everyone else laughs, but he can't disagree - every free moment he gets is spent with Taylor. "You say you'd give up anything, Harry, what if it came down to fatherhood or your career? Are you prepared to walk away from this?" That question catches him off guard,  "If it ever comes to that, he'd just go back to the bakery and make more English muffins," Niall changes the subject and lightens the mood Harry just nudges him, remembering that the joke he made before they even knew Taylor was pregnant. 

The interview is quickly nudged away from Harry's private life and back to their music. However, Harry is still going over Jonathan's previous question and deep down he knows that if it ever came to his family or his career then he would choose his family every single time. 

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