~F O U R~

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September 15th 2013

Coming home after being away for so long has always felt foreign to Taylor, she misses her creature comforts in her Nashville home, but the absence of Harry there when he's so present in her life in Los Angeles is deafening.

He flies out tomorrow to spend the next week with her, having gone back to London early last week. So, tonight Taylor has asked her friends to come over and spend the night with her. She doesn't get to see them as much as she would like to, so the distraction is a much welcomed one.

Abigail is already waiting when Taylor's car pulls up in the driveway and the redhead runs out to meet her best friend. "You need to stop leaving me, Swift," the shorter woman laughs as she wraps the blonde in a tight hug, a bright smile taking over Taylor's features. "I've missed you too, abs," she releases her best friend and the two head inside as security move her bags.

"So, I want all of the details and gossip, what's been going on?" Without even a second to get reacquainted with the home she hasn't seen in weeks, Taylor is dragged towards the couch by her best friend. "There's nothing new to tell, Abs, I'm exhausted and I'm pretty sure I've picked up a bug, I've been feeling off for like the last week," she sighs as she sinks back into the cushions behind her, she's so glad that she has a break after the next few shows, her body is being pushed to the limit already.

"It might be a good idea to try and get ahead of it then, Tay, go to the doctor and see what they say?" That would be the sensible thing to do, but she's so used to dealing with things like this during a tour that a trip to the doctors office would be pointless. "I'll be fine, there's only a couple of shows left in this leg of the tour and I'll be over this before the next one starts," she dismisses her friend's worries, she just wants to spend the next couple of days relaxing before her Nashville shows.

"Claire and Ash are on their way over, so we're just going to have a calm night with junk food and movies," Abigail changes the subject but the thought makes Taylor's stomach twist into knots, she night be going on a break but she can't let her figure slip. "Sounds great," she smiles as she pushes herself up, "I'm gonna go and change into something more comfortable." Abigail nods in agreement but Taylor fights the resounding screams of her subconscious telling her to get out of this situation quickly as she leaves to her room.

She sighs as she stands in front of the mirror in her bathroom, hugging herself as she tries not to cry. It's not a big deal but even the thought of eating makes her feel like she's failing. She needs to stay slim or the press will blow up on her and Harry won't be attracted to her anymore. She hates it but that's the reality of her life and she knows that nobody understands it, especially not Harry, he has half of the female population falling at his feet.


"Oi, where's your head today," Liam flings a pillow across the room at Harry as he neglects to answer to him calling his name for the fourth time. "Eh, that was unnecessary," Harry throws it back but Louis catches it, "cut it out, the pair of you." The oldest of the five gets rid of the pillow in the empty corner away from the two of them as Harry rolls his eyes, picking his phone up again.

"He's right though, Harry, you're not present today man," Louis shakes his head at his bandmate and Harry shrugs, "I dunno what you lot are on about." His phone pings in his hands with a text from Taylor and his attention is immediately refocused. Neither of them particularly enjoys being separated from the other and you'd think that after nearly a year they'd be used to it, but Harry never stops worrying about her whenever Taylor isn't by his side.

He's flying out to join her tomorrow and it's easier for them to be together in Nashville than in LA, but they only have four or five days together and then they're going to be apart for a month and a half. "Are you flying out to Adelaide with us?" Liam draws his attention again and Harry shakes his head, "I'm flying out of Tennessee, so I'll be a little later than you lot." It's a longer flight but its worth it for him to get to spend time with Taylor.

"How is she anyway, you're never off that bloody thing," Louis throws himself down on the couch beside Harry and the boy gets a goofy smirk on his face. It's obvious to everyone who knows the couple that Taylor and Harry are head over heels for each other. "Your anniversary is coming up soon, right?" Niall pipes up too and Harry nods, smirking to himself, he's got big plans.

"Are you two going to go public anytime soon?" That has been a sensitive topic for the couple lately, "Taylor isn't ready to face the media yet, but it's something we're talking about." The guys have been amazing at helping them keep their relationship quiet, especially steering the conversation during interviews and keeping up pretences. Everyone in Harry's life loves Taylor and knows they are an amazing couple, he just hopes that he can prove to her that nothing, especially not the media, will break them.


"Are you sure this is a good film? I'm bored, T." Ashley pouts as she sits on one couch with Abigail and Taylor rolls her eyes as she lays with her head in Claire's lap. "We're ten minutes in, Ash, give it time," she laughs at her impatient friend as Claire absentmindedly pulls her fingers through Taylor's hair as she focuses on the screen.

As nervous as she is about how this evening is going to pan out, Taylor has missed having her girls around her. She always misses the comfort of home when she's on tour.

"Are you alright, T?" Claire is distracted by her friend as Taylor tries to reposition herself, "yea, I'm just not feeling great right now." She shrugs it off, "I think I'm about to get my period, so my body has been freaking out on me lately." Her nervous laugh doesn't exactly puts her friends' concerns at ease, and Abigail cocks her eyebrow as she looks over, "have you been eating properly? That could have aggravating factors if you're already sick."

Internally she starts panicking about whether she's been too obvious about her aversion to food, she doesn't want her friends to know, they'll just worry like Harry does. "No differently than normal," she mumbles the words as she turns her attention back to the TV, hoping that the conversation will be dropped as she tries to ease her discomfort by rubbing small circles on her stomach.

She's been eating the same since her career started and nobody gave it much thought until Harry realised what was going on.

"Have you guys got anything planned for your first anniversary?" A bored Ashley quickly changes the subject onto Taylor's love life, something she has no issue discussing with her friends. "I'm touring in Australia at that point, so Harry will hopefully be able to join me, it might be a bit risky," she wishes they could have a normal relationship but this is as close as they can get without the media hounding them every second of the day.

"You're really all in with this one, huh?" Claire smiles as Taylor peeks up at her, the blonde nodding. "He's my guy, I don't know what I would do without him." Harry is the only person she can imagine spending her life with, he's the good one and she's so thankful for him.

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