~ T W E N T Y T H R E E ~

379 14 0

April 14th 2014

"Of course, it would be so nice to see you," Harry watches as Taylor paces the bedroom - her hand on her back as she tries to support the weight of her bump. "Sure, you still have my address, right?" Her eyebrows are knitted in deep thought as she speaks to the model on the other end of the phone, "awesome, I'll let security know you're coming and they should let you right up."

She finishes up her phone call, pacing the whole time since her back starts to hurt too much if she sits for too long.

"Karlie's coming over, we're going to dinner later on," she explains the phone call to Harry as she gets back into bed beside him. He's going out to meet a couple of friends who are in town, so when Karlie called she decided to make the most of her day instead of moping around the apartment. "Are you feeling up to it, baby?" He runs his hand over her bump and she gives him a soft smile as she nods, "I may be about to pop, but little one hasn't given any indication they're coming any time soon so I just have to get on with stuff until they do."

She's only a couple of weeks away from her due date so the baby could arrive at any second, but she can't just put life on pause until she goes into labour.

"Have you had any contractions this morning?" Taylor was up before him, sleep getting progressively more difficult with every day as her pregnancy draws to an end. "Nope, our little one has finally given me a little break," she laughs as he rubs her bump, the size of it makes her look even smaller - but according to her doctor, she's doing everything right and they're both healthy, which is all Harry can hope for.

He leans down and kisses her bump, "just be careful for me, yeah? Don't do too much," she nods as she pulls him into a kiss, "I promise."


With Harry heading out on tour in just over a week, they've been getting more and more nervous as the days go on and there's no sign of labour. They were really hoping that the baby would come before Harry has to leave, but that's looking even less likely with every day. Gemma is flying out when they go back to Nashville in a few days, having come to New York to deal with some business stuff before she goes on her unofficial maternity leave, and she's grateful to have her there but she really hopes that Harry will make it for the birth.

"Taylor?" Security had already texted to let her know that Karlie was here, so when she hears the model looking for her, she calls out and lets her know she's in the living room. "I was going to ask how you're feeling, but I think I can already tell," she laughs when she spots the singer on the couch and Taylor laughs too, pushing herself up to hug her friend as Karlie takes a seat beside her. "I'm so ready for this to be over," Taylor holds her bump as she sighs and Karlie gives her a comforting smile, "only a couple more weeks, right?"

Taylor nods, "hopefully within the next week and a half so his dad doesn't miss it," Karlie and Taylor haven't seen each other much lately but they always stay in contact, they've become good friends over the last few months. "I am not going to miss her birth for anything," Taylor looks back over her shoulder when she hears Harry's voice, smiling gently at him.

"Karlie this is Harry, Harry this is Karlie," the two have heard tonnes about each other but haven't met before today. "It's lovely to meet you," Harry is his usual warm and happy self as the two share a quick conversation but he's running late, "I'll see you tonight, don't push yourself too much," he kisses her forehead before rushing to the door and she laughs, "I'll still be heavily pregnant when you come home, don't you worry."

He laughs and blows her a kiss, "it was nice to meet you, Karlie." Taylor sighs as he leaves and Karlie just smiles at her friend, "you two are perfect together, I can see what all of his fans are mad about." The singer shakes her head, "when it was just Harry and I, it bothered me but not as much as it does now. We broke up the first time because of the hate from fans, and we've tried not to let it get to us this time because so many people have been wonderful and supportive - but then there's the angry, pathetic little people behind their phones and computers threatening our baby, and I don't know how I'm supposed to not be bothered by that."

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