~ T W E N T Y F O U R ~

391 16 0

April 24th 2014

The day they've all been dreading has finally arrived. Taylor's due date is a week away and there is still no baby, but Harry has to fly out today because their tour opens in Columbia tomorrow night.

Taylor has been a ball of emotions since she woke up this morning, just at the thought of him leaving - now she has to actually say goodbye and she's a mess.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," Gemma flew in once they got back from New York and Taylor is glad she's here, she needs as much support as she can get at the moment. "Come on now, darling, you know I'd stay right here if I had the choice," Harry holds her tight as his sister rubs the blonde's back, trying to calm her down, "what if you don't make it? What if I go into labour and we can't get ahold of you? Or they won't let you come to us? I can't do it alone, Harry!" She's had the same fears for months and they all know there's nothing to be done about those scenarios until it actually happens. "As soon as you go into labour, I want you blowing up the phones of all the boys and my managers and anyone you can get ahold of, okay? I will be here, holding your hand and telling you how beautiful you are and how much I love you as you bring our little one into the world. I wouldn't miss it for anything, I don't care what anyone says."

He holds her face in his hands, his green eyes staring right into hers as he does everything he can to reassure her. "I love you, and I love our little angel. Nothing is going to stop me being with you two, okay?" She nods, tears in her eyes as she tries to pull herself together. "I've got to go now, Tay, but I'll call you the second I land," he's already running late and they know they have to stay on the good side of his management. "I love you," she smiles sadly and he nods, his eyebrows furrowed, "I love you too," he pulls her into a soft kiss and then leans down, "you stay in there for a little bit longer, princess, you'll be in real trouble if you come before I can be with you and mummy."

He has a couple of weeks of shows and then a short break before their UK shows, she'd be overdue but at least then he'd be here.

"Alright, my love, I'll see you so soon, alright? She nods and he kisses her again, "you've got half of my heart, remember?" She smiles as she nods, "and you've got half of mine." Gemma rolls her eyes at the cringe, but the couple don't care.

Harry says a quick goodbye to his sister and then he really has to go or he'll miss his flight. The two women stand side by side as they wave him off, Taylor taking a deep breath as Gemma holds her hand. "You're gonna be okay, I promise," Taylor gives the Brit a soft smile as she nods, "thank you for being here, Gem."

They go back inside, Taylor going to sit down and Gemma bringing tea for them both to help calm her nerves a little. "We planned for this, remember? We've got plenty of distractions until the little one decides to come," Taylor nods in agreement, she knew she was going to be a mess once Harry had to go, but she was just hoping that she'd have her newborn to distract her.


Harry was just as nervous to leave Taylor as she was for him to go. He doesn't want to be hours away from his girlfriend while she could go into labour at any second. However, he doesn't have a choice in the matter if he wants to keep his job.

"There's daddy," he rolls his eyes as he walks into his hotel room, apparently he's sharing with Niall. "I don't know if that counts until the baby is actually born," he raises his eyebrows at the Irish boy as he drops his bags and sits down on the second bed. "Still no sign?" Harry just laughs, "do you think I'd be here if there was?"

Niall pats his knee, "I know it sucks, but you two will be fine." Harry just nods, he has to hope that's true. "Where are the the other boys?" He hasn't seen any of them since they left Nashville after the baby shower.  "Getting ready for dinner, we didn't know if you'd be here," he nods, "cool, I'll go and change."

He retrieves some clothes from his bag and then goes into the adjoining bathroom to change. Harry wants to be all in on this tour because he loves performing and the fans, but really he'd rather be anywhere else if it meant he could be with Taylor.


"Okay, is that everything?" Taylor nods as she looks around the nursery, "as far as I can tell, those are the only things left to get before he comes." Gemma smiles as she shakes her head and Taylor laughs, "what?" The Brit just shrugs, "you and H, people must get so confused when you two have a conversation about this baby."

Taylor smiles as she strokes her bump, "he's determined it's a girl, but I just keep picturing a little Harry running around." She would love to be right because she adores the idea of them having a son just like Harry, however she secretly likes the idea of him getting the little girl that he's convinced they're having. Either way he's going to be an amazing dad, she has no doubt about that. "For what it's worth, I think you're having a boy," Gemma laughs and Taylor nods, "me too."

"Have you picked a name yet?" Taylor sighs as she shakes her head, "picking a name for a boy is so much harder than I thought it would be. Harry's had his pick for months, and now I'm worried I'm gonna have the baby and be right and then he'll be nameless." Gemma shakes her head at the singer, smiling as Taylor laughs at herself - she knows she's worried about every little thing and that's not going to get her anywhere. "You'll figure it out, he won't go nameless for long," Taylor nods in agreement as she runs her hand over her bump, their little one will be perfect, whether they have a name straight away or not.

Gemma double checks the list with Taylor before helping the blonde up, they've got a long list of things to do until she goes into labour and tomorrow they're going to get everything left to get before the baby arrives.

"Do you want some ice cream? Baby wants strawberry," Taylor frowns as she walks into the kitchen and Gemma agrees with a small smile on her face, "what?" Taylor laughs when she notices, the blonde sitting the tub of ice cream on the counter and finding a couple of bowls and spoons. "Nothing," Gemma shrugs, not wanting to make a big deal about it. However, the fact that Taylor is openly expressing the fact that she wants to eat and didn't second guess it, it's a small step but it means she's getting better.

Taylor doesn't give it a second thought as she dishes out some ice cream for the two of them, and Gemma sits with her in the window seat as they eat together. Gemma made them dinner earlier on and Taylor didn't argue, mostly because Gemma already knows her limits and knows when not to push her.

"So, what're you hiding from out here then?" After a while, Taylor raises her eyebrow and asks the question that's been on her mind the last couple of weeks, catching Gemma off guard. "I'm not hiding," the Brit shrugs and Taylor just nods, obviously not believing her. "I'm not hiding, just getting some distance," the singer nods, "from?" Gemma just rolls her eyes as she laughs, "work, a guy, take your pick."

It's obvious she isn't up for talking about it, otherwise she would've spoken to Taylor about it without it being forced out of her. "You know you're welcome here whenever, you're the closest I've got to a sister," the singer smiles, trying to lighten the mood a little and Gemma laughs, resting her head on Taylor's shoulder, "boys suck anyway," it's then that she feels a hard kick from the baby and laughs, "not you, little man, you're our best guy."

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