~S E V E N~

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It's been about a week since Harry left for Australia and Taylor has been in and out of the studio constantly, taking advantage of her down time as much as possible. Although her days have been starting later and finishing a lot earlier because she's constantly exhausted. The morning sickness hasn't let up on her just yet either, making it almost impossible to keep anything down.

She has an appointment today to confirm the due date and just do an overall check up since her last appointments were brief and focused mainly on confirming the pregnancy and making sure Taylor knows what she has to do to stay healthy. She wishes that Harry could be here for it but he'll be there for every other one after this, so she's taking her mom with her today.

"Are you gonna work with me this morning, tiny?" Before she even tries to get out of bed, the blonde is talking to her stomach, knowing the rush of nausea that's going to come on as soon as she attempts to get up. "I know you're just making space in there but I could really use one morning without having to throw up," she laughs to herself and reaches for her phone on the bedside table. A soft smile takes over her features as she finds a text from Harry.

Hello, beautiful. Good morning.

He does it every night, knowing that she'll see it when she wakes up, and it's the little things like that which make her fall more in love with him every day.

"Your daddy needs to come home soon," she sighs as she finally pushes herself up and within seconds the familiar wave comes over her and Taylor is darting towards the bathroom. All she knows right now is that it is going to be a long nine months.

On the other side of the world, Harry is just getting off of the stage from their last show in Perth. He absolutely adores his job and their fans, but all night his mind has been on his two biggest fans back at home.

"Are you coming out with us, Haz?" Liam runs off behind Harry, patting the younger boy on the back as they walk back together. "Not tonight, lads. I need to call Taylor in a couple of hours so I'm gonna get some sleep in." He promised to call during her appointment, trying to prove to her that he's going to be there for them at every opportunity.

Louis frowns at his friend, "I'm sure she could wait a couple more hours, it'll be the middle of the night here." Harry shakes his head, trying to keep Taylor's pregnancy from them has been so hard. "A promise is a promise, sorry boys." He chuckles, trying to play it off as if it isn't a big deal.

All they wanna do right now is party after every show and live it up, but Harry has other priorities now and he can't let Taylor down.

"I'll see you lot later," they all part ways, the other four showering here as Harry goes to get a car back to the hotel. "That lass has you wrapped around her little finger," Niall shakes his head but Harry just shrugs, maybe she does, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

Taylor recovered from her bathroom trip but by the time she made it downstairs, she didn't have a lot of time and had to rush breakfast. That didn't bode well with baby and now as she sits in the car with her mom on the way to her appointment she has an unshakeable nausea.

She huffs as she leans her head back, massaging her stomach as she tries to ease the nausea. "Here, sweetheart," Andrea fishes through her purse for a singular sour candy and she hands it to her daughter, "sucking on it should help settle your stomach." Taylor's internal voice is telling her that it's a bad decision, she hasn't eaten sweets in a long time, but the fear of being sick again this morning ultimately wins over.

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