~ T W E L V E ~

522 17 2

December 2nd 2013

"I don't wanna get up, Liz, I just wanna sleep," Taylor whines into her pillow as she holds it tight to her. Today is her first day off in three days and she's exhausted. Her body isn't keeping up with the jet lag and the intensity of her shows, plus today is meant to be her and Harry's first anniversary and they're stuck on separate sides of the world. She just wants to sleep.

Liz sighs as she flops down onto the bed beside her friend, "spending all day in bed moping about Harry isn't going to make anything better, Tay. You have some time off, why not explore while you don't have a little kid to worry about." The singer rolls her eyes but turns over to face the brunette, "I'm not moping. I'm nearly five months pregnant, I'm in pain, I'm exhausted. I just want to spend a day in bed doing nothing." Taylor and everyone around her knows that she only pulls the pregnancy card when she really doesn't want to do something. In her own defence though, she is exhausted and achy, but she just doesn't want to be around people or in public for people to look at her.

"Fine, but you're coming to dinner later, so have your day in bed because I'll be back," she suppresses a groan as Liz hops up and waltzes off out of her room. She had an appointment a few days before flying out of the states and Natalie told her that she's still underweight. She knows that subconsciously they both knew that was going to be the case, but it didn't stop Harry enlisting her tour mates to make sure she's eating at every meal. She knows it's bad, but she really is trying, and she doesn't want Harry to be disappointed in her.

"Hopefully your daddy will stop worrying once you're here, sweet baby," she sighs as she looks down to her stomach, running soft patterns over her bump. "I want to be better for you, little one, I'm trying." She really is trying, it's just so hard to do this alone.

Back in the UK, Harry is just getting back to his flat in London. He had been at a friend's birthday but he hates being without Taylor these days, everything is just so much more fun with the love of his life by his side.

He flops down into bed with a sigh and pulls his phone out of his pocket, it's morning in Australia now so Taylor should be awake and he really just wants to speak to her.

His phone rings as he waits for her to answer and as Taylor spots her phone ringing she immediately picks it up. "Hey," she smiles as soon as Harry's face appears on the screen and the Brit laughs, "what're you doing still in bed?" The blonde pouts as she cuddles her pillow, "I'm tired."

Harry sighs as he hugs his pillow too, "Happy anniversary, my love." Taylor smiles, running her fingers over her bump, "happy anniversary." They hate that they're so far away from each other at this point in their life together, Harry wants to be able to help her and Taylor could really use the moral support.

"How's my little one?" She sighs as she moves the comforter to show him her belly, running her hand over her little bump. "They've been driving me mad, I can barely sleep for the constant bathroom trips and heartburn, never mind waking up with cramps that hurt like heck." Harry gives his girlfriend a sympathetic smile, he would do anything to be able to be there helping her out, that's what a father is supposed to do.

He can see the exhaustion in Taylor's eyes and its only going to get harder. "Have you eaten yet today, love?" He knows she's not going to appreciate that question and he's right, Taylor just pulls her blankets back over her as she groans. "It's important, Tay, the baby-" she starts to tear up as she glares at him through the phone, "do you really think I don't know, H? I know what I'm doing isn't good enough and I am trying but I'm here alone and nobody understands and I just want to be enough for you."

All he can do is watch as Taylor breaks down into tears, and he wishes so desperately that he could be there to scoop her up and tell her that it's all going to be okay. "Hey, you listen to me, Swift! You are enough - for me and our baby, you are everything to us both. There is nothing I would change about you and you are already the best mummy to our sweet angel because you're doing your very best."

Taylor just shakes her head as she watches him, there is nothing she wants more than to be in his arms. "Can you come here, H? I don't think I can do this without you right now." The blonde has tears streaming down her cheeks and Harry really hates seeing her so upset, "I can try, love, but I can't make any promises." The situation with his management and the contract he's in makes him so angry - he had to sign his life away to have a career and he hates it. "Okay," her voice is quiet and a little broken but mainly he can just hear how exhausted she is.

"I love you, Taylor Swift," he gives her the same goofy grin that she has adored since they first met, "I love you too, Harry Styles." She forces herself to smile back as she runs her fingers over her bump - even if Harry can't get out here, knowing that he is there and he loves them might just have to be enough.


Taylor and Harry spoke until he fell asleep - he even convinced her into having breakfast and stayed on the phone long enough to ensure that she was able to keep it down. Her mind was screaming at her every second but she knows that her baby needs it, the little one needs to be healthy and she has to eat for that to happen.

When Harry fell asleep she finally got out of bed. She didn't go too far though, just moving to the armchair by the window. She started writing too and has been working on a song for a while now, her baby bump only getting in the way of the guitar a little, and she's pretty sure that the baby likes music just as much as it's mom and dad because the little one hasn't given her any issues since she picked up the guitar.

"Will you grow up to love music too, sweetpea?" She rests her guitar against the side of the armchair and frames her bump. She spends a lot of time wondering about who her little one will be. They've started talking about names but her mom keeps telling her that she'll know her baby's name the first time she holds them in her arms. "I can't wait to meet you, angel, you're already my entire world." Taylor sighs as she runs her fingers over her stomach, she wishes Harry could feel as close to the baby as she does - they've already been apart for so much of her pregnancy, they're both just hoping that the boys tour dates will let him at least be here for the end.

There's a knock on the door and Taylor sighs as she pushes herself up to go and answer it. "Everything okay?" Tree is on the other side of the door and Taylor is confused as she let's the woman inside, "Liz mentioned that you were being difficult." She knows Liz wouldn't have used that wording but she can always trust Tree to get straight to the point. "I wasn't, I just wanted to spend some time in bed - I'm tired and my body is still trying to catch up with my schedule."

Tree nods as she follows Taylor to the couch, the blonde sighing as the redhead sits down in front of her. "Taylor, do you need to cancel the test of the tour?" Tree is really concerned about her boss' wellbeing and she needs Taylor to consider what is best for her and the baby. "I know you want to give the fans what they paid for, but you're already struggling. It's just going to keep getting harder as you get further along." Taylor cradles her stomach as she sighs, shaking her head as she meets Tree's eyes, "I've never cancelled a show, Tree, never mind cancelling ten. I really don't wanna let them down."

Taylor knows her pregnancy has affected her far more than she thought it would. Sure she knew she'd have a bump but she never anticipated everything else, she thought she'd be able to hack it. "You've got a lot more to risk by continuing; tour dates can be rescheduled but the health of you and your baby is non-negotiable." She takes a deep breath as she nods, she knows Tree is right but she doesn't know if being a little tired is enough to warrant ending her tour early.

"Can I think about it?" She raises an eyebrow as she looks to the redhead and Tree nods, "it's your decision, just keep what I said in mind, okay?" Taylor nods, stroking gently over her bump as she smiles, her eyes distant. "Oh, and you're having dinner with me and that's not negotiable either." Even though she's been trying to hide her struggles from her friends, Harry made it known, especially to Tree. "Tree, I..." she starts to argue or make an excuse but the publicist simply gives her a look and Taylor knows not to argue any further.

She loves Harry but she doesn't like him bringing other people into her private issues. His only argument is that she is carrying his child and until their baby is born she'll have to put up with his overprotective worrying. That's one of the many reasons why this baby can't come soon enough.

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