~ T W E N T Y T W O ~

397 13 1

April 1st 2014

Taylor wasn't keen on the idea of a baby shower, but Abbie and her mom really pulled it out the bag and having Harry's mum and Gemma there too, it made it all really special. She was exhausted for the rest of the weekend after a whole day on her feet and socialising so she she spent some time curled up on the couch in Harry's arms and catching up with Gem and Anne.

She got a few days off, but their moms are determined to make the most of them all being together so the four girls are going shopping for the last few things the baby needs and Harry has roped the rest of the boys into helping decorate the nursery before they go home to spend some time with their own families before they go on tour in a few weeks.

"Are you sure I can't tempt you into coming to buy pads and granny panties for my hospital bag?" The blonde looks up into Harry's eyes and the Brit smirks, "and leave that lot to put the nursery together? Her cot will collapse the second we put her in it." Taylor laughs as she nods in agreement, "okay, but if I come home with more baby clothes than this little one will ever need then it's your fault," Harry just chuckles as he pulls her into a gentle kiss, "then we can just put them in storage for the next baby."

Taylor pulls away from him with raised eyebrows and laughs, "there will be a 'next baby' when you can carry it, my body hates me and I haven't even done the hard part yet." Harry nods, a look on his face as if he knows something she doesn't. "I will see you and our little one in a few hours," he leans against the door frame as he watches her follow his mum and sister out to the waiting car, "I love you," Taylor laughs, glancing back as she shakes her head, "I love you too, darling."

Anne is in the front seat as Taylor gets in the back beside Gemma, huffing as she struggles into the car and then with her seatbelt. She's a week away from being full term and then it's safe for the baby to make their appearance. Part of Taylor hopes she goes into labour within the next few weeks because then Harry will at least be with her when their baby is born, once he's on tour there's no guarantee he'll be able to make it for the birth.

"You're worried he's not going to be here, aren't you?" Taylor frowns as she looks up from her bump to Anne, the older woman looking back to her as she laughs nervously, "am I that obvious?" Gemma reaches out and gives Taylor's hand a soft squeeze as Anne shakes her head, "it's perfectly normal, I was the same with my two and Des wasn't in another country for my due date."

Taylor laughs at herself as she nods, running her hand over her bump, "I'll have my mom and that's a comfort but I know Harry wants to be there as much as I want him there. He wants to be there when his baby comes and I don't know if I'll be strong enough to do this without him." After everything she's been through during her pregnancy, she really needs Harry with her the day that their child is born, he's her rock and she's terrified.

"Oh honey, once that little one decides it's time to come then there's no hanging around, and you will surprise yourself with how strong you are when it comes down to it," Taylor smiles as she sighs, she's got so much anxiety - far more than she's had through the rest of the pregnancy and that's saying something. "Why don't I come and stay with you when Harry leaves? I know I'm not my brother, but I'm pretty clued up and it means an extra pair of hands when my niece or nephew arrives - especially if Harry's already on tour when the little one is born."

Taylor looks at Gemma in surprise, "what about your job?" The brunette rolls her eyes as she laughs, "I'm a journalist, Tay, I can do my job from anywhere," the singer laughs too as she nods, "that would be would great, Gem, we'd love to have you here." The more people she has around her when the baby comes the better, and Gemma is family so of course she would love to have her around.


"I can't believe you're going to be a dad, mate," that's the sentence that Harry has heard the most from all four boys since they found out Taylor is pregnant, and he never really knows what to say because he still can't believe it either. "We're going to have the coolest kid, lads, just wait," he laughs as he holds together two parts of the dresser so that Liam can put them together.

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