~F I V E~

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September 18th 2013

Harry's arrival in Nashville sparked a calming and gentle few days for Taylor, the two of them spending time with her family and getting to chill out without much fear of the press.

Today's Taylor's first Nashville show and she's still not feeling great but she's excited about playing the next few shows in her hometown. Nashville crowds have always been her favourite, they gave her the opportunity to play shows like this.

"Good morning, beautiful," Harry's husky voice gives Taylor butterflies as he pulls her closer. "I love waking up to you," she sighs contently as her head rests on his bare chest and she uses her dainty finger to trace his tattoos. They live for these moments when their world seems calm and normal. "How are you feeling?" He coos as he holds her tight, gently running his hand along her back. "Hungry," she furrows her eyebrows a little, she's had more of an appetite the last few days but her mind is still rejecting the concept.

Through his surprise, Harry chuckles "what do you want to eat, love?" he presses a kiss to her forehead and even despite the resounding protest in her mind, she asks for coffee and Harry's 'famous' oatmeal pancakes. He doesn't plan on discouraging her sudden appetite, so with another kiss Harry leaves Taylor in bed to go and make them breakfast as she sorts herself to join him.

Taylor smiles to herself as she watches him go; leaving to make them breakfast in his boxers, his brown curls still messy from sleep. She's never been more content in a relationship, she just hates that they only have a couple more days together and then six weeks apart.

The blonde gets out of bed shortly after he leaves, pulling her own messy curls into a ponytail and securing them with a hair tie before grabbing Harry's shirt from the floor and pulling it on to make sure she's covered. It always scared her that Harry sees the most vulnerable form of her, but now she trusts him more than anyone to love that side of her just as much as any other.

Walking into the kitchen, Taylor finds Harry still in nothing but his boxers and her frilly white apron and she can't help but laugh. She snaps a picture and presses a soft kiss to his cheek before taking a seat at the kitchen island, making small talk with her boyfriend.

"M'lady," the green eyed boy smirks as he presents her with a plate of pancakes, "you're a dork, Styles," she thanks him with a kiss and he wears a proud grin as he sits down opposite her.

Harry hasn't seen Taylor so willing to eat in months, so he doesn't say anything as they make small talk about their upcoming day, he just let's her have the moments peace that he knows doesn't come very often.

"Coffee?" He gets up to pour himself some, and Taylor nods as he turns back. He grabs two mugs and fills them with coffee, but before he can even set it down in front of his girlfriend, Taylor feels her stomach twist into knots. "I think I'm going to be sick," she darts out of the kitchen, leaving a bewildered Harry to abandon the mugs and run after her seconds later.

"Oh, darling," he sighs, finding her hunched over the toilet bowl emptying her stomach of her breakfast. He kneels on the the tiled floor beside her, holding back her loosely tied back curls and rubbing her back in an attempt to soothe the upset blonde.

She's sick until there is nothing left to come up and then she sinks back into Harry's strong embrace in tears. She has no idea why she feels so bad but she hates it, she couldn't even have a calm morning without something going wrong.

"It's gonna be just fine, love, you're alright," Harry holds Taylor tight, worried about just how sudden this seems to have come on and she's just getting worse. "I'm sorry," she whimpers into the crook of his neck and the Brit dismisses her apology, "you haven't done anything that you have to apologise for, Tay, you can't control something like this." Rationally she knows that but in her heart she feels like she's letting him down, "you made us breakfast and I couldn't even make it through that without causing a scene."

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