~S I X~

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September 20th 2013

"I don't wanna do this," Taylor sighs, holding her hand to her nauseous stomach. They went to the obgyn this morning who confirmed that she's eight weeks along. Everything is healthy and she's cleared to do the last two Nashville shows under the strict assurance that she will eat at least three meals a day. She wasn't particularly happy about that but she knows she has to try, she's not just thinking about herself anymore.

"It's going to be alright, love, they might take it better than you think," now all they have left to do is tell Taylor's team. They've decided to wait to tell their friends and most of their family, but Harry needs to ensure that Taylor is going to be safe whilst he's gone, especially now.

She doesn't think they're going to be mad, but this isn't the ideal situation when she's right in the middle of a world tour. "We need to tell my parents first, I don't want them hearing through the grapevine," with her parents meeting them at the venue, she knows this is going to be the first thing they do when they get there.

"Look at it, Har, it's so little and innocent," she holds the sonogram pictures in her hands, a soft but nervous smile dancing on her lips. "And they're going to be so loved," he knows she's nervous, but he keeps reminding her that no matter what happens, their baby is going to have so many people to love it.

She safely stows the pictures in her bag so that unwanted eyes can't spot them before they are ready to say something. "Let's get this over with," she squeezes his hand as the car pulls up to a stop and she already spots an anxious looking Tree waiting for them.

"Have you seen the press?" She doesn't hesitate and Taylor frowns as she shakes her head, "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you were spotted at the hospital last night so now we're playing damage control." As if she didn't need another reason to be worried today. She knew they were going to have to come clean eventually but she didn't expect it to be today.

"You've got thirty minutes and then we're meeting to make a game plan," she walks them to Taylor's dressing room and Taylor agrees, that gives them just enough time to inform her parents before they have to break the news to her team.

Andrea and Scott Swift are already waiting for their daughter in her dressing room and they're relieved to see her with more colour in her cheeks than yesterday. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Scott wraps his daughter in a hug and she smiles as she moves onto her mom, "a lot better than yesterday, that's for sure." They greet Harry too, not having seen a lot of him during his time here.

Without hesitation, she drops herself into Harry's lap, the green eyed boy snaking his arms around the blonde's waist as he holds her tight. She looks down into his eyes and Harry wiggles his eyebrows to make her giggle. His thumb runs over her midriff clearly indicating to her what he's thinking and she nods as she gives him a nervous smile.

"So, I went back to the doctors this morning," she leans back into Harry's embrace, trying to figure out how to say what she needs to. "What did they say?" Her mom knew she had another appointment but she thought that it was just about getting results from last night's tests. "Well, I'm pregnant," she laughs, biting her lip nervously as they watch the older Swifts, waiting for a reaction.

"Oh honey," Andrea immediately bursts into tears of joy, laughing as she gets to her feet and pulls her daughter into an embrace. "Congratulations to the pair of you," Scott shakes Harry's hand before hugging his daughter too, they'd expected grandchildren from their kids, but certainly not this soon. "How far along are you?" Taylor is allowed to take her place in Harry's lap again and she fishes through her bag for the sonogram pictures.

"Eight weeks," she smiles as she hands her mom the pictures. The blonde tucks herself into Harry's body, fitting perfectly into his arms. "The little thing has definitely had an interesting start, twenty three performances and an awards show in eight weeks," Harry's hand is resting on her stomach as he holds her in his arms. "And another twenty six to go," Taylor sighs nervously, she's probably going to have to cancel or reschedule her later ones.

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