~E I G H T~

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"Harryyy?" The couple are roused awake by a voice and knocking on their bedroom door. "Mummm, dadddd?" The whining voices make Taylor frown as she hides her face in Harry's neck and the green eyed boy groans as he tells whoever it is to come in, wrapping his arms tighter around the woman beside him as she continues to doze.

"What is it?" He rubs his tired eyes as Louis and Niall venture further into the room, Taylor whining as the light spills in through the open door. "You promised we could go to the beach before we have to leave tomorrow," the Irish boy piles on top of Harry as he pouts, competing with Taylor for Harry's attention. "Why do you wanna go to the beach? You'll burn to a crisp," the blonde mumbles into her boyfriend's neck and Niall fakes offence, flicking her shoulder.

Taylor peeks up from her hiding spot in Harry's neck and glares at Niall, "are you a child?" He sticks his tongue out and Harry shoves the other boy off of him, Niall landing with a thump on the floor.

"Play nice, children," Taylor scolds them both as the Irish boy pouts and she sits up in bed, rubbing her tired eyes to try and wake herself up a little more.

"Anyway, we're going to the beach and wanted to know if you guys are still in. Zayn and Liam bailed on us already."

Their freetime is usually ruled by how the little one is making Taylor feel, so Harry looks to his girlfriend for her answer before he says anything. "I think that sounds like fun," she shrugs as she runs her fingers through his messy curls, the brown haired boy nodding in agreement. "Now bugger off and let us get out of bed," Harry laughs as he wraps his arms around Taylor's waist, so the other two boys take their answer and go.

"Good morning," his green eyes are shining as he looks up to her and she can't help but smile, "good morning."

Harry lifts her shirt as she leans back against the pillows and Taylor smiles, watching as he greets their little one with kisses. Her stomach has popped a little as she comes to the end of the first trimester; only a few days left until she hits week twelve. She can hide it if she needs to, but when it's just them she loves how much Harry adores her barely there bump.

"Do you want to go down to the restaurant for breakfast or order room service?" She has been doing better with eating, fighting Harry less and less, but she hasn't gained that much weight since she's still working out and she knows that needs to change before their next appointment, it's just so hard for her to change her mindset.

"Can we order room service?" She hasn't completely tackled the eating in front of others thing yet, "of course we can, anything for my girls." He kisses her stomach one more time before pushing himself back up and kissing her lips, "you don't know if we're having a girl." She laughs as she reminds him for the millionth time but Harry isn't listening, "and you don't know that we're not."

He climbs out of bed and the sight of him walking towards the bathroom in just his boxers drives her insane, she's so lucky to have a guy as insanely perfect as Harry.

"I think Lou and Tom are going to meet us with Lux, she's been asking about you," he calls out to Taylor from the bathroom and the blonde smiles as she scrolls through her phone. Tom is part of the guys' band and Lou is their hairstylist so she met their daughter when she started dating Harry.

"I haven't seen them since Seattle," she hums as Harry reappears, "that's because you haven't been to a show since Seattle, love." She was desperate to see him that weekend; she was sick and lonely and that then resulted in their little surprise baby.

"Do you think I'll get away with a bikini?" When she packed her stuff she didn't have, and didn't expect to have, her little bump. "Nobody is going to think your pregnant if that's what you mean," Harry knows that Taylor is more concerned with people thinking that she's gained weight, but he isn't going to call her out for that because he doesn't need to.

He hopes that she can let her worries go for today, God knows that she deserves a calm day to relax but with all of the attention they're probably going to get he doesn't want it to send her into a spiral.

By the time they have breakfast their plans have changed a little, now instead of going to the beach they're hiring a yacht for the afternoon. The other two turned back up so now they're all heading down to the marina and the change of plans has calmed Taylor significantly. She's also glad to finally be in the presence of another woman, all of the testosterone was getting a little much.

"It's so great to see you guys," the blonde smiles as she wraps Lou in a hug and the shorter woman squeezes her back, "I can't believe Harry didn't tell us you were here, I would've saved you from those guys long before now." They both laugh as they separate and Taylor kneels down to say hi to little Lux, "I mean you gotta love 'em but they're..." Taylor nods "they're a lot." They answer in unison, shaking their heads as they look over to the boys who are playing around and goofing off.

"You've gotten so big, little lady," kneeling by the stroller as she talks to the two year old, Lux holds onto her hands as she smiles. "TayTay, up," the toddler coos and Taylor smiles as she unbuckles her and lifts her up onto her hip.

They walk along the decking behind the guys as they all get onto the boat, Taylor holding on tight to the toddler to make sure she's secure.

"Where's Haz, Luxy?" Harry stands in front of her with open arms but the toddler protests and clings onto Taylor instead. "You're meant to be my little sidekick," he tickles the toddler as she squirms and giggles and tries to get closer to the blonde. He's so amazing with her and Taylor can't even imagine what he's going to be like with his own child, "you're going to have your own little sidekick soon, Lux, we're gonna teach her how to drive her mummy mad."

Harry wears a goofy smirk as he wraps his arms around Taylor from behind, his hands on her belly as he rests his chin on her shoulder.

"Wait, no way," They hear the excited squeal and look over to Lou who overheard their conversation, "you're not?" She questions Taylor and the singer laughs as she nods, "I am." The brit squeals, jumping for joy as she wraps the couple in a hug, "you two are going to have a gorgeous baby."

Laughing, Harry pecks a kiss to Taylor's shoulder. Their little one is going to be absolutely perfect, there's no doubt about it.

The ten of them spend their time relaxing and joking around with each other, Taylor wrapped in Harry's arms for most of it.

"Have you decided when you're going to announce the baby yet?" Louis pipes up as he looks over to the couple, "we were thinking that we could do it next week." Harry runs his fingers over Taylor's arm and the blonde nods, "I'll be out of the first trimester then so it'll be safe, but we still don't know how to do it."

They've been talking about it but haven't come up with anything they both love yet. "What about announcing it as like the newest 1D member," Liam chuckles but Taylor peeks up to Harry, "that could be so cute!" Harry's eyebrows furrow as he smiles, "I like that."

"Let's take some pictures," Lou is quick to jump into action, Taylor handing over her camera as the woman tells them all what to do. "Go to your daddy, Lux," the singer guides the two year old to Tom.

"I think you two should be in the middle, maybe kiss her stomach or frame her bump?" Harry gets on his knees in front of Taylor and Lou tells the boys to make their best surprised faces as they stand with two on either side of the couple. Harry goes from kissing her bump to framing it with a hand on either side as they all fake surprise.

When they're happy with those pictures, Lou insists on taking some of Taylor and Harry, simply for their own sake. "You're beautiful, ya know," Harry whispers the words to Taylor as they awakwardly pose for Lou, but he's doing everything he can to make her smile. "You're going to be an amazing dad, Har, I know it," she kisses his cheek and Harry is quick to scoop her up; making Taylor squeal as she wraps her legs around his waist.

"You're showing off," as she clings to the boy he smirks and Taylor plants a kiss on his lips, he's everything she could ever need.

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