- T W E N T Y S I X -

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May 12th 2014

A week later and there's still no sign of the baby. Thankfully she's at least dilated a little now, so that was a relief to hear, however she's been trying to make this baby come for the last week with no luck, so Taylor is understandably frustrated and exhausted. Harry, on the other hand, has one more show tonight before he can come home to them, so he's just hoping that the little one doesn't decide to come before tomorrow morning.

"He's so never coming near me again after this kid comes out, and he'll be doubling up on protection, that's for sure," Taylor pouts as she bounces on her exercise hall, apparently it's supposed to help but it hasn't thus far. The girls around her just shake their heads, grumpy Taylor has been very prominent as her pregnancy drags on - but they all know she means very little of what she says. "We've known you long enough to know that is a lie," Claire gives her a knowing look and Taylor just rolls her eyes, "fine, maybe not never, but definitely not without a condom."

They all laugh and she just sighs, she loves her kid and Harry but they definitely won't be adding another kid into the mix for a good few years.

"When is lover boy coming home?" Taylor smiles as she holds her bump, "tomorrow, and I'm getting induced the next day if this little monster doesn't vacate the premises before then." She knows Harry's glad she hasn't had the baby yet, but she keeps reminding him that it isn't his body being taken over - he's also experienced his fair amount of grumpy Taylor over the last few weeks. "It's about time," Abigail laughs, Taylor smiling at her best friend.

They've all been a really big help throughout her pregnancy, and with this being the first baby of the friend group, it's safe to say this little one is spoiled.

"Ouch," Taylor winces as she feels a contraction and Gemma quickly checks the time. They've been tracking them, however they've been infrequent and all over the place so it hasn't come to much. "Are you okay?" It goes on a little longer than usual, but Taylor just nods, "sometimes my body just likes to prolong them, I'm okay," she brushes it off, having gotten her hopes up before when her contractions try to play her, "apparently it's just my body getting ready to evict him," she laughs when it passes, she's gotten used to this routine now.

The women give her a sympathetic smile, they've all seen first hand how hard this has been on Taylor and it's obvious that she's more than ready for this to be over with. Everyone is ready for this baby to be here.


"Yes, mum, I know," Harry laughs as he speaks to Anne on the phone, informing the woman that Taylor has booked her induction. The singer is tired of waiting and once Harry's home, there's no point in dragging it out any longer. "We know you'd be here if you could be, you don't have to apologise," the original plan was for them to fly out when the baby comes, but with some recent health concerns, it's better for them to wait for the couple to be able to come to them instead.

Anyway, they won't have to wait long to meet their grand-baby. The second leg of Harry's tour is in the UK and starts in a couple of weeks, so he and Taylor agreed that she'll go with him and surprise Anne and Robin. His London flat is set up for the baby anyway, so it's not too inconvenient for them to set up base somewhere else for a couple of weeks.

He ends the call with his mum after promising to tell Taylor she loves her and she's got this, and to send thousands of videos and pictures when the little one arrives.

He still hasn't quite grasped the fact that he's going to be a dad in just a few days. He's gotten used to the fact that they're having a baby, but the reality that the little person they made is going to be in his arms in two days - it's surreal.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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