~ F O U R T E E N ~

529 17 2

December 13th 2013

It's been so great having Harry with her on tour the last week but Taylor is so thankful that tomorrow is the last show for a while. Her body isn't handling performing the way that it used to and she just gets more exhausted as their little one grows.

"Good morning, beautiful," the British accent in the morning air makes her chuckle and Taylor's eyes are sparkling as she lifts her head to meet Harry's. "I never want you to be away from me again," her comment isn't intended to dampen the mood, she's just enjoying his presence in the moment, although they did receive a huge blow a couple of days ago when Harry found out his tour dates for the next year and he can't help feeling guilty about it. "I know, love, I'm sorry," he sighs and Taylor frowns.

Of course she wasn't happy to find out that Harry is leaving a week before her due date, but she knows it wasn't his decision to make. "Don't do that," she pushes herself up so that she's sitting by his side, "we know that you love us and you want to be with us, you can't control your label, H." Harry still can't get his head around how understanding Taylor is being about the whole situation. He's either going to be leaving her heavily pregnant or alone with a newborn and it's not fair on her.

Taylor takes Harry's hand and places it on her bump, sensing his frustration as his brow furrows. "I want you there when our baby is born, of course I do, but if anyone understands the politics that come with this job then I do. I'm not mad at you for something totally out of your control." Harry sighs as he sits up too, placing both hands on her stomach as he leans in to kiss her, "the little lady will just have to stay in there until I can fly back from Brazil." Taylor rolls her eyes as she laughs, looking down to her bump and poking just above her belly button, "are you listening to your daddy? You're gonna have to stay in there till he comes back to us."

It's still such a surreal thing for them to call themselves parents. Of course they know it's gonna happen but it still hasn't properly hit and it probably won't until the little one is in their arms.

"Anyway, enough about that," Harry's mood is immediately lifted when he remembers what day it is. "Happy birthday, love," Taylor smiles as he pulls her into a soft kiss, her birthday is already so much better than she expected it to be because she has him here with her. "I have something for you," Harry shuffles to the edge of the bed and the blonde chuckles, "you've already given me more than I could ever need." She rubs her bump as the baby wiggles under her hand, their baby is the best gift she could ever ask for. "Well, it's lucky this one isn't from me then," turning back to her with a small box in hand he's wearing his signature goofy smirk.

"This one is from the kid, we telepathically connected and they told me what they wanted to give their mummy." He hands her the box and Taylor laughs as she shakes her head, "this is the sweetest thing, Harry." As she opens the box there is a gold necklace with two hearts connected - one larger heart and then a smaller one linking to it. "I should really give Niall some credit because he helped pick it out, but it was my idea in the first place," the brit smirks as he shrugs. Taylor didn't expect any less, those boys do everything together, she'd be surprised if they didn't meet the baby before their own parents.

"Thank you, Har, I love it," Taylor hums as she tries not to cry, her hormones have her all over the place, "awh baby," Harry moves to hug her, wrapping Taylor up in his arms. "I love you," she laughs at herself as he hugs her tight, "I love you too, darling." Harry smiles to himself as he presses a kiss to the top of Taylor's head. He loves her so much and he's so grateful for their little family. He really sees this being his forever.


"Where are we going, H?" Taylor laughs as the brown haired boy drives, all he told her was that he had a surprise and that she was going to love it. "You'll see," she can't deny the mix of nerves and excitement she's feeling, but she knows if Harry planned something then she's going to love it.

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