~ S E V E N T E E N ~

452 15 1

January 9th 2014

"We're going to be late, H," Taylor laughs as she calls out to her boyfriend. "The early appointment was his idea, we could've made it later if he was going to take so long to get up," the blonde shakes her head as she looks over to Gemma leaning against the doorframe. The older Styles sibling agreed to come along to the appointment today since Harry has to go into a meeting afterwards and Taylor wants to go baby shopping.

"And I wouldn't have been this tired if somebody wasn't so fussy about how she sleeps," Taylor rolls her eyes as she runs a hand over her bump, "blame your child, not me." Harry nods, a small smirk on his face as he slips his phone and wallet into his back pocket. "Let's go then," he presses a kiss to her cheek and Taylor shakes her head but grabs her purse as she follows Harry and Gemma out of the house.

Taylor sits in the passenger's side of the car and Gemma gets in behind her brother. She's excited to get to see her little niece or nephew and Taylor is just glad that she isn't going alone this time. Harry hasn't been to an ultrasound in person yet, not since they first found out, and their little one has grown so much since then.

The drive takes ages with London traffic but the three of them chat away, Taylor and Gemma planning out their shopping trip. Their plan is to live between London and Nashville for the first year, they can't plan too far ahead of that at the moment, but they want to make sure that the baby has everything it might need in both homes.

Harry parks as they get to the doctor's office and the three of them get out of the car to head inside. Harry laces his fingers through Taylor's and when they get to reception someone guides them to the office of the doctor they're scheduled in to see. She needs to have a few appointments here so she and Harry looked into finding a doctor here too. "Dr Lowe will be with you shortly," Taylor nods in agreement as Harry helps her onto the table and the two take a seat in the chairs beside her.

She already knows the drill at this point so when another nurse comes in and tells her they need her pee she isn't surprised but Harry makes jokes which gain a disapproving smack from Gemma. "My back is aching," the blonde sighs as the nurse leaves with her sample and she sits back on the little table and without a thought Harry moves behind her and starts rubbing the bottom of her back like he has done a million times before. "Who is this and where is my brother?" Taylor smirks as Gemma laughs at Harry, he dotes on her and everyone knows it.

"Taylor?" The doctor comes into the room and the blonde smiles as she nods, "thank you so much for fitting us in so last minute," the woman smiles as she shakes Taylor's hand, "it was no bother, your doctor sent over your information so why don't we start with how you've been feeling since your last appointment?" She takes a seat on the spinny stool beside the blonde's feet and Taylor nods, running her hand over her bump as she sighs, "headaches, backache, heartburn... I feel like I've had every symptom possible."

Dr. Lowe nods as she makes some notes, "how has your appetite been?" Taylor tenses under Harry's touch and he tries to soothe her a little as she fidgets uncomfortably, "no different than usual, I eat normal meals through the day." Harry and Gemma have both been keeping a close eye on Taylor, especially during meals, and they know that her appetite is anything but normal and her records state as much. "Can I get you to jump on the scale for me and we'll take a quick peak to see if you're gaining appropriately?" Taylor is so uncomfortable but she knows she has to do it so she does as she doctor asks and then sits back close to Harry as soon as she can.

The doctor notes her weight and Gemma offers a hand to the blonde which Taylor happily takes, she's so close to Harry's sister and she really appreciates the support Gemma offers her. "Alright, Taylor, I'm just going to take some blood and then we'll have a look at baby, okay?" The singer nods , trying not to obsess over her weight and this whole situation, she knows that if she has gained then it's good but she's still so scared of being underweight because she knows how much it's risking their baby and she doesn't want that.

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