~ T W E N T Y O N E ~

500 14 5

March 28th 2014

Back in Nashville, Taylor is once again on her own. Harry is in London for tour rehearsals and she could've joined him, but her doctor has advised agaisnt any unnecessary travel so she's playing it safe - especially considering how close her due date is getting.

"Swift? Where are you?" She hears the voice calling through the house and wears a soft smile as she laughs, "on the couch." It's only a few seconds after that until the face of her friend pops around the door. "You know you have an appointment in like an hour and a half, right?" Abbie laughs as she takes in Taylor's appearance - the blonde curled up on the couch in a pair of Harry's sweats and a tank top pulled up so that her bump is out. "I know, I just didn't wanna put real clothes on until I really have to, everything is so uncomfortable these days," she's inching closer to her due date every day, she feels huge and her body is struggling with the extra weight - she's constantly uncomfortable or in pain.

The redhead sits down beside her best friend with a comforting smile, "is your mommy getting impatient, little one?" She pokes Taylor's bump and the blonde laughs as she pushes herself up properly, the baby kicking her ribs as she moves, "now that's not very nice, is it?" She pouts as she rubs her bump, trying to soothe the little one, "the little invader is quickly running out of space," she sighs as a little knee or elbow protrudes from the bump and Abigail laughs as she taps the baby, "I mean, you've barely gained anything since you fell pregnant so the little one doesn't have much space to work with." The comment was innocent enough but the evil part of Taylor's brain latches onto it.

She's been doing okay lately, Harry FaceTimes with her during meals when he's gone and she's been fighting through for the sake of the baby, but it's the hardest thing she's ever had to do and she can't wait for this baby to come so she doesn't have to worry as much anymore.

"I might just go out like this," she changes the subject, "I don't care what people think right now, I'm so uncomfortable and ready for this little one to be in my arms already." On top of her issues, she's just so ready to have her sweet baby to hold and love instead of imagining who their little person might be.

Abbie sighs as she cuddles into Taylor, "you've earned every right to leave the house however you please, growing a baby is a full time job." The singer cuddles her best friend tighter as she laughs, "and this is why I love you, Abigail Anderson."

The two catch up for a while and Abbie gives Taylor all of the gossip she's missed. The singer almost always has her phone in her hand but she still manages to neglect most of her relationships - the only people she's really been in constant contact with since she got home is Harry, Karlie and Abbie. She knows she needs to make more effort, and it's not like she ignores her friends completely, but she's so exhausted all the time and she already knows that's just going to get worse once the little one is actually here.

"Alright you, we've got an appointment to get to before everyone else shows up, come on," Abigail gets up and Taylor whines, she's finally comfy and now she has to move again. "I'm never getting pregnant again, one kid is enough," she grumbles as Abbie helps her to her feet, the redhead rolls her eyes at her best friend, "you know full well that you've always wanted a huge family, Tay, and once that one is out you're gonna want another."

They both know she's probably right, but Taylor isn't going to admit it. She's going to exist in her resentment for her body and how sore and hard pregnancy has been on it.


"Look at its little face, it looks just like you," Taylor laughs as she rolls her eyes, "firstly, can we not call my baby an 'it' and secondly, he looks like an alien." The blonde is watching the screen with a goofy smile on her face, "oi, our little princess is beautiful, don't call her an alien." Taylor doesn't even get a second to respond to Harry on the other end of the phone before she hears the boys butting in with their opinions and the five of them start bickering like kids about whether it's a boy or a girl and whether the baby is gonna be cute or not, but apparently 'not if it looks like it's dad' and 'it'll look like a grumpy old man so it'll definitely look like it's dad."

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