~T H R E E~

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September 7th 2013

Music buzzes throughout the stadium. They're somewhere in Minnesota tonight, but the places aren't something Taylor tends to keep up with at this point. She stands in front of the mirror in her dressing room, white lace shirt tucked into her black leather shorts as she retouches her red lips. This has become her ritual, listening to the crowd roar for Ed as she waits for her phone to ring.

Harry is back in London now, staying there until One Direction leave for the last leg of their tour, a faint memory telling her that it's in Australia but she can barely even keep up with her own dates at this point. The distance makes the time difference a barrier and Harry has missed their calls on more than one occasion, but she doesn't hold that against him.

"We gotta walk, Taylor," the stage manager opens the door and the blonde looks to her with pleading eyes, "just one more minute?" The older woman sighs but grants her request, telling her that one minute is all she's getting.

Seconds later the phone rings on the counter and she scrambles to answer it, "I thought I was going to miss you again." Her smile is irreplaceable when she's talking to Harry and his breathy laugh gives her butterflies, "how are you, beautiful?" She smiles as she nods, knowing he can't see her, "I'm great now. I miss you." Harry looks down to the watch on his wrist and then up to the big screen above him listing departure times, "we'll be together before you know it, love."

His playful smirk draws no attention to him which he's grateful for, "only one more week," he can hear the sadness in her voice as he nods, "then I get you all to myself for a week." Their plan was for Harry to spend his last week of break in Nashville with Taylor for her shows there and then he jets off to Australia with the lads for the last leg of their tour.

"I gotta go, Har. I love you," she doesn't wanna go yet but if she's late then people are going to get mad. "Alright, love, knock em dead. I love ya," she smiles as she chews on her lip, "call me when you wake up?" Harry chuckles to himself as he clutches the handle of his suitcase, "deal, now go and show the world what you're made of, superstar."

He always knows exactly what she needs to hear, he calms her storms. 

With that, they end the call and Taylor takes one last deep breath before running out of her dressing room and down hallways to catch up with the band, colliding with Caitlin in a hug as the redhead keeps walking. They chatter and laugh as they make their way backstage, the adrenaline starting to course through Taylor's veins.

She mumbles through a quiet prayer to herself as she stands in places, the same thing she does every night. A counting down starts through her ear piece and she stands still, waiting for her cue.  A spotlight showing her silhouette against the curtain and she starts to sing...


Harry knows that Taylor's shows are always amazing, she makes him proud every night, but he's so glad to make the end of tonight's. He waits by the side of the stage for his superstar to finish her last song, and he could swear that every time he sees her he falls more and more in love.

Taylor ends the last song and with excitement and adrenaline still pumping through her veins she runs off to the side of the stage with the rest of her band. As always, she's wrapped in congratulatory hugs for yet another successful show, but when she spots the cheeky smirk and curly mop, she knows exactly whose arms she wants to be in.

"Hello beautiful," he laughs as their bodies collide, Harry snaking his arms around the blonde. The room runs silent as she wraps her arms around his neck, warm breath tickling his skin as she mumbles, "what are you doing here?" Taylor lifts her head to look at him and Harry smirks, blue eyes getting lost in green as he shrugs, "I missed you." She doesn't know how he could possibly have been allowed to do this, but she isn't going to complain.  "You were wonderful, superstar," he whispers, Taylor leaning her lips into his as she melts into his hold.

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