Chapter 3 : Whats your choice?

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Dave East

"I'm sick of your shit David! It's like you can't even think straight! Kyla doesn't want you! You can't see that? She's gonna report your dumb ass!" My baby mama yelled.

"You sound stupid, man move. I'll come get my daughter tomorrow." I said walking out.

I left my bm's house and drove straight to Kyla's, we need to talk really quick. I know y'all probably think I'm obsessed.. nah I'm not. I'm just in love with this girl. She completes me as a whole. She's like a missing piece in my life that I really need.

Pulling in her driveway, I parked my car and got out. Walking to the door, I knocked four times and waited for her to come to the door.

"What do you want David? This is like your hundredth time coming to my fucking house and I'm sick of it! What tf do you want!" She yelled holding her baby girl. "Have you been crying?" I asked ignoring her question. "That's nun of your business David, what do you want? I'm so sick of your ass coming here!" She said mugging me.

"Look, I know when we were together I was a whole asshole and I'm sorry for being that way. I wouldn't want any man to treat my daughter like that what so ever. I know you are with Kel and tryna put on this front like you don't love me and shit but I can't hide it." I said all at one time.

"No no no David you have the wrong idea. I'm in love with Kelvin. I'm not sure how many times I have to tell you that. I literally have kids by this man, four kids and you want me to leave him just to go back to you? Hell no! I'm sick of you and everyone is always trying to control what tf I do and how tf I do it! As far as I'm concerned I'm single! You didn't want to do right when I had you so no! I don't want you!" She said in a serious tone. I grabbed her face and kissed her.

"Get off of me! Are you fuckin crazy!?!" She yelled putting her baby girl down then grabbing something. "My bad." I said looking down putting my hands in my pocket.

I lifted my head up and seen Kyla holding a Glock 9.

"Get tf off my property before I shoot your ass!" She said calmly. "Girl put the gun down." I said rolling my eyes.

Next thing I know this girl done shot me.

"AH WTF KYLA!" I said holding my arm. "You're being a hard headed ass mf. LEAVE!" She said slamming the door in my face.

I can't believe this girl just shot me.

Kyla Jones

"Ma! I can call Daddy?" Chase asked holding my phone. "Baby Daddy will call soon, do you want to go swimming with mommy?!" I said with excitement. "Okay." He said sadly. "Hay Bug, you wanna know something? I went to see Daddy today and he said to give you a kiss and to tell you he loves you so so much baby. He also said supermans don't cry either!" I said kissing his face. "Can I see him Ma!?" He smiled. "I will see what I can do okay?" I said kissing his forehead. "YAAAAY!" He yelled jumping up and down. "I'm going to see my daddy!" He said running. "Chase stop running baby, go put on your swim trunks." I smiled looking at him.

I love to see my babies happy.

"Now you two, let's go get your swim clothes on." I said picking the twins up. "Ma Ma." Kameron said slapping my face. "Ouch Kameron! No no!" I said popping his hand as I walked to their room. The thing about Kameron is, he doesn't cry when I pop his lil bad ass. So I don't know if it's not hurting him or what. Karmen lil ass cry every time I hit her lil legs.

"Fat mama gotta get her bathing suit on!" I smiled as I put on Karmen's bathing suit. "Okay now lets get your brother ready." I said putting her on the floor and picking up Kameron. "Ma Ma." He said blowing spit bubbles. "Ewwwww man ewww!" I smiled as he laughed. "CHASE!" I yelled picking up the twins and grabbing their big floaty boat.

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