Chapter 8 : Free mf

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Kyla Jones

"You should be a shame of yourself!" Ma yelled at me. "Really? I should be a shame of myself for being grown and doing what the hell I want?! You don't fucking control me or my actions or ANYTHING! NOBODY BUT KYLA! Not this Sofía character you and dad are portraying me to be!" I yelled. "I am your mother Sofía!" She screamed back.

"Really? Tell me how? We just fucking met! YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT! What's next? You will tell me I'm not a good mother? Or my children's father isn't good enough? WHAT!?" I yelled earning a slap.

Neither one of us said anything. Just sat there.

"I'm leaving.." I said walking away. "Sofí- DON'T fuckin touch me!" I said jerking away from her and walking away.

"SOFÍA!" My dad yelled to me. "Where is he?" I asked turning around. "That is none of your business." My dad said folding his arms. "Well we have nothing to talk about." I said walking away.

Walking to my room the tears begin to fall. I looked at the bed and seen my kids laying down sleeping. My world in three different human forms.

I walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I slide down the door and cried my eyes out. Nothing is fucking working out for me. Literally, nothing but my business and my children.

I grabbed my phone and called Zeekie but he didn't answer. Wonderful.

I got a incoming ft call and answered it thinking it was Zeekie.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YO FACE KYLA!" Jj yelled. "Jj it's nothing okay? I'm fine." I said wiping my face. "Stop lien Kyla! Who tf hit you? They up there hittin you? TJAA! I'm finna go to the airport!" He yelled grabbing stuff. "Jj please no, it's enough drama here and back at home I'm fine please I'm fine just take my word." I basically begged. "Ion believe that shit, where yo cousin at? He hit you?!" He asked mugging. "No my so called madre did." I said sighing. "Yo who?" He said confused. "Her mama you dumb ass!" Tjaa snatching the phone. "Text the group NOW!" She said hanging up the phone.

I didn't even text in the group chat. I decided to text Tico.


Me : "Tico, are you busy?"

Tico : "Sup Sof, and no wassup?"

Me : "Do you have a place far away from here where I can stay with my kids?"

Tico : "I mean, there's this small beach house. But why? What happened?"

Me : "Dad and ma went crazy because his guards saw me and Madio at the beach doing things. Dad punched Madio and took him somewhere. Me and ma got into it and she slapped me because of a low blow I said. Now I want to get out this house. I feel like I fuck up everything. Madio didn't want to get in trouble for me but of course I had to be the one to try to break down people's walls."

Tico : "Woah woah, get y'all stuff together. I'm otw."

Me : "okay."

I got up from the floor and begin to pack me and my kids things. Putting everything neatly back in the suitcases was something that made me more annoyed.

Putting all the bags by the door, I called Levon to help me get the stuff downstairs.

After that was done, I began to get the kids.

"Chase baby we are about to go, come on." I said shaking him awake. "Okay." He said getting up. Grabbing my two sleeping bears was the hardest out of everything.

"Chase baby please don't run into a wall! Wake up!" I said looking at him basically sleep walking.

"Levon can you grab him?" I said looking at Chase. Levon picked up Chase as we walked to the front.

My parents were just standing by the door, not saying a word. As they should.

Walking out the door just in time as Tico pulled up in his truck.

"Thank you for driving the mommy safety car." I said half smiling. "The hell? This ain't no mommy car girl." He said mugging me. "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I said laughing. "Ahh I'm kidding, I just wanted you to laugh. Everything will be fine Sof. I promise." He said grabbing the suitcases. "I hope." I said grabbing the kids car seats.

"Alright everything is in. Gracias Levon." I said hugging him and getting in the car. "Alrighty lets go." Tico said driving off.

"So What happened?" Tico said looking at me then back at the road. "They are treating me like a teenager. Literally all you hear is He's no good! Stay away from him! I was sick of hearing that shit so I got curious." I said folding my arms. "Well you know curiosity killed the tiger? Either way she's right, Madio has been through some rough times, he's only had one girlfriend. That went horrible." Tico said turning towards a house.

"First of all it was the damn cat Tico and secondly girlfriend? He didn't tell me that. I know he's been through rough times Tico, I just wanted him to step out of that big box he's hiding in." I said sighing. "Tiger, cat same shit. Um why don't you ask him these things?" He said looking at me. "What do you mean ask him? I'm not sure where he is!" I said looking at him frowning. "True, Sof what exactly were y'all doing at the beach that probably made Sanchez mad as hell?" He said looking at me. "We were kissing and touching in the ocean.." I said looking away from him. "Touching? That's not bad I mean he wasn't putting his hands inside your clothes so you're good." He said thinking.

I bit my lip as he looked over at me with wide eyes.

"SOFÍA! YOUR DAD IS PROBABLY KI- Shhhhh don't say that around my kids please!" I said covering his mouth. "He is going to kill his ass! Sanchez is fucking crazy Sof! You fucked up!" He said whispering.

"I know that! That's why I'm so bummed out about it. Everything bad happens because of me." I said grabbing my phone looking at a text message I just received.


My whole body froze...


"You're free to go Kel." One of the cool guards said to me. "Thanks man!" I said getting up. "I'll see y'all niggas later. Y'all got my number so use it." I said walking out.

It feels good to be a free man. Sadly I gotta work harder now. I lost so much money in less than 4 days. Bribing people with money can help you man I tell you. The judge over my case has a sick granddaughter whose hospital bills were Sky rocket. I offered to pay that for his family and get her the best help that she needed. Only thing is, I'm on probation for a year and 10 months.

"Call my girl Kyla." I told the guard. "You got it." He said grabbing the phone.

"Hello?" Her beautiful voice said through the phone. "Hay baby I'm out, you can come get me." I smiled. "Ask that bitch to come get you." She said hanging up.

"Woah." The guard said with his mouth wide open. Her ass got some nerve.

"Um call my son, Riley." I said mad ash. "Gotchu." He said calling Riley. Waited for Riley to answer the phone.

"Hello?" He said as his daughter scream to the top of her lungs. "What are you doing to my granddaughter? Papa baby okay?" I said taking the phone. "Wassup pops, her lil ass just mad because her mama left." He said with a chuckle. "You want some chicken fat? I know you want some." He said. I guess he gave her some because she stop screaming.

"Spoiled just like yo sister." I said shaking my head. "That's ma fault." He said laughing. "It's all of y'all, but I'm getting released from jail. Can you come scoop me?" I said putting on my shirt. "Oh shit how you get free this early pops? Hell yeah I'll come get you man!" he said excited. "It's a longgggg story but I'll tell you soon. Where yo mama at with my kids?" I asked. "Sheen tell you? Ma in Dubai." He said confused. "Nah she ain't tell me." I said getting madder every time I got new information.

"I'm on the way pops we can talk later." He said hanging up. Kyla gone make me hurt her lil ass boy I swear.

** These two are about to get crazy but like and comment **

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