Chapter 10 : ✔️

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"Look Kyla, I'm sorry ma. I'm sorry for leaving you to deal with all this shit by yourself. I'm sorry for being damn near a dead beat father to my four kids. I'm sorry for being a horrible example for my boys and most definitely for my baby girl. I don't want her to date a guy like me. I'm not worth nothing in my eyes. Lastly, baby I'm sorry for cheating. Yes we were on break but that was a break to rebuild and make our relationship stronger. I know I pushed you into another man's arms and I'm cool with that. I just want you to respect my wish of me meeting him." I said to Kyla as I watched my granddaughter sleep.

"Kelvin don't say that shit EVER AGAIN! You're a amazing man and father! These kids love you like no other! What me and you had has nothing to do with your relationship with your kids! I refuse to keep my kids away from their daddy and you know that. As far as us, I don't even know Kelvin. My thoughts with that are all over the place and I don't want to force anything. Me and Madio are not trying to get together. He believes that when I return home I will run back to you so we decided to just um I'm not sure what to actually call it but we're not together but we act like it. Also, he wants to meet you too. I want you guys to be cordial for the kids and my sake. And Kelvin, I still love you and will never stop." She said smiling in the camera with tears.

Damn we're really done.

"I agree with all that, just be safe Kyla. Don't forget you can tell me anything, I'm just a text away. But I love you too man. Shit AINT gone never stop baby girl." I said winking at her.

"Well I will see you soon so we can actually talk in person. I have to go get dressed for the ceremony. I love you dude! Bye!" She smiled waving. "Aight, I love you too Ky." I said hanging up with a sigh. I fucked up.

"You good pops?" Riley said coming behind me. "Yeah I'm straight, promise me you will never turn to the streets for shit man ever." I said putting my head down. "I promise, I won't need to anyway I'm going to the nba soon." He said patting my back. "Wait what?" I said shocked. "Yeah pops!" He said jumping around. "Fuck yes Riley! I'm proud of you boy! Don't ever let what you go through define you as a fucking person! Keep this good shit up!" I said happy as hell. He nodded his head smiling.

"You spoke to ma? Y'all getting back together?" He asked sitting down. "Nah and I don't want too. I fucked up everything and Kyla ass still managed to love me. That's why the dude she's fooling around with put a hold on everything. He don't trust it and ion blame him. My feelings for Kyla did fade when I was in jail. I guess it was because I was so lonely. Or how I was use to seeing her face and my kids every day. Hell it started when my past came and bit me in the ass. Yeah I'm in love with her but it's like I'm falling out of it and I hate that shit because she's in love with me. I don't want to break her heart man. Yo mama is a fucking diamond that can't be replaced. It's hard man." I said with tears in my eyes.

Just imagine how I was in jail at night. Just thinking about shit like this. Hurting the people I love the most.

"Pops everything takes time but everything ain't meant to be. Mama was depressed but she stuck through it when shit got rough because of my siblings. Just think about this, you blessed to even have her in your life at all." He smiled getting up.

Yeah, I'm glad she's in my life period. Leaving my life would've been the hardest thing ever.


"Kyla mami you have to hurry or you will be late!" My hair and makeup lady said. "I know I just need to make to make one more call." I said rushing. I thought I was calling Zeekie and ended up calling Kel. I guess he didn't know he answered because he continued his conversation.

"My feelings for Kyla did fade when I was in jail. I guess it was because I was so lonely. Or how I was use to seeing her face and my kids every day. Hell it started when my past came and bit me in the ass. Yeah I'm in love with her but it's like I'm falling out of it and I hate that shit because she's in love with me. I don't want to break her heart man. Yo mama is a fucking diamond that can't be replaced. It's hard man."

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