Chapter 29: Vacation Plans

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"Oh my goodness it's been hours since I called Jayden ass! Where the hell is he?" I said irritated. "Ma just start, we can literally tell him later" Riley said tired.

"Fine fat ass, so guys we are going on a family trip! So I know the kids are going on spring break in a few weeks and I wanted to do something fun" I said excited.

"Mommy we see the ocean?" Chase asked excited as well. "Yes baby, in fact we will be going to HAWAII!" I said picking up a laughing Karmen.

"So .. how much this gone cost me Sof?" Madio said like a old man. "Sir I didn't ask you to pay" I said rolling my eyes. "If you think we're letting any of the women pay for anything you out yo rabbit ass mind" Jj said shaking his head while rubbing Tjaa's stomach.

"Well damn, I'll separate the cost then sir. Okay so I was thinking we could go ride the elephants or swim with the dolphins as a group. It's so much to do within a week guys" I said grabbing my MacBook.

"You seem more excited then the kids baby" Madio said laughing. I gave him a hard ass mug making him stop laughing.

"Okay so Claire, do you want to invite any friends? If so, let me know by Thursday baby" I said kissing her head. "Leya & Lily, are my nieces ready?!" I said grabbing them in a big hug. "Yes!" They screamed in unison.

"I'M HERE BITCHES!" Zeekie yelled walking in the house with Kane. "Wow you're on time Zeekie I really love it just wow" I said being sarcastic. "Girl fuck you, hayyy Karmen baby!" He said rolling his eyes and picking her up.

"Hay everybody" Kane said walking in and speaking to everyone. Did I forget to mention that him and Zeekie got back together? I love it, Zeek was getting in my damn nerves.

"Where the hell is Jayden ass? Has anyone called him since I did? This isn't like him and I'm getting worried" I said looking around. Everyone began to shake their heads looking around as well .. then there was a knock.

I sighed and went to see who the hell was at my door. Hoping it was Jayden & Isabella with Jr.

"Oh Um hay Tiffany?" I said confused on why this bitch was on my porch. "Hay girl how are you?" She said hugging me but I didn't hug back.

"What are you doing at my house Tiffany? You know I don't fool with you like that since that was created behind my brothers back along with you coming at me side ways!" I said with attitude. She rolled her eyes.

"Matter of fact? How the fuck did you get my address? I moved! So help me understand Tiffany? Who telling you my business baby girl?" I said getting ghetto.

"Sof why you yelling? Is that Jayden?" Madio said getting up. "Hell no! It's his cheating ass baby mama" I said rolling my eyes.

"Just like always, Kyla you're not innocent boo! I cheat, we all cheat baby girl! But anyways, I just seen Jayden at the park" she said playing with her fingers.

"Hoe when have I ever cheated? Explain? I'm loyal to every mother fucker I surround myself with so the only odd ball in that bitch was you! You know what? Get out! I'm sick of yo shit man!" I said mugging her.

"Why are you even arguing with this damn girl? Get yo ass in the house Kyla" Madio said irritated with the whole argument. I rolled my eyes but walked back in the house anyway but stayed close.

"Look ima need you to go" I heard Madio say. "I just wanted to see the kids before I leave" she begged. Oh he better not give in or ima fight his ass.

"No I can't do that, Sof gone whoop both of our ass. Just remember that face ain't pregnant sweet heart" he said walking back in.

"You're so damn nosey" Madio said kissing my forehead. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the living room.

"Who was that?" Everyone asked at the same time.

"Tiffany ass" I said folding my arms. "The fuck she wanted? Her kids at her mama house not here!" Jj said mugging. "EXACTLY J, I feel like that hoe up to something. I just can't put my finger on it" I said trying to think.

Jj phone rung stopping all of my thoughts. "Damn business, get y'all some" he said before answering the phone.


"Yeah that's me"

"Yeah that's my twin brother, his son and his girlfriend why what happened to them??!?"

"FUCK! We gotta go now!" He said screaming.

"What's going on Jj!?! What's wrong with Jayden them?!" I said confused grabbing everyone.

"THEY GOT IN A BAD CAR ACCIDENT!" He screamed running out the door.

It was like everything was in slow motion after that was said. It really hit me when he said not only Jayden but Isabella AND Jr as well.

I quickly dropped to my knees and prayed.

Lord I know I never talk to you or anything but please help them come back hard! I can't lose them! In Jesus name amen!

What the fuck actually happened..

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