Chapter 25 :Fashion Show

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"Okay my crew lets go!" I yelled from downstairs. I was really just waiting on Claire and Chase ass.

It was going on 6 and I had to be at the building by 6:30. Perks of having kids, I can never be on time.

"Claire you look beautiful baby and Chase you're my handsome man awww" I said kissing their heads. Picking up Kameron, I grabbed Karmens hand and walked to the car. We all packed in and was on our Mary way.

It took us a good 15 minutes to get, thank god the kids were in their first wardrobe already.

"Okay Claire, you guys will be in the room with Lily and Leya. Chase and Kameron are going in the room with Jr." I said walking them to their dressing rooms. Claire nodded and kissed my cheek then picked up Karmen. She's really growing on me.

I dropped the boys off with Jj and walked to my dressing room. Today is about to be a long day.

I decided to call Madio since I had a little time. "Baby!" I said excited when he answer. "What are you doing?!?" I yelled. "Nothing Sof, I'm laying down. You look beautiful baby" he said with a smile. "Thank you Mad, I really wish you could be here but I know you have business of your own to handle." I said with a sigh. "I know mamiiiiiiii, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm so proud of you and everything you do. This is the big step that will open shit for you and I'm going to be there ever step of the way. You got me?" He said with a smile.

"Thank you so much" I said as a tear fell down my face. "Aww the water works" he said laughing. "You make this happen with all the sweet shit you say but I gotta get ready baby" I said looking at the time. "Aight well I love ya Sof, I'll talk to you later" he said hanging up.

He said the three words .. he said it. Did he really mean it. Madio told me he loved me.. I'm stuck. 

"Hi Ms.Jones, we wanted to let you know that the show is starting in 30. The building is packed with celebrities and your family and friends as well. Everyone is ready in their dressing rooms including the kids" my assistant said. "That's B, I'm thankful for you" I said blowing a kiss her way.

"No Ms.Jones, I'm thankful for you! You're the best boss I've ever had in my whole life. You're not bossy, and my favorite thing is you actually want to hear my ideas on things. You give me a try at life and my dream. I'm not just your ordinary assistant, you let me in on everything. I love you as a mother as well, not just a boss" she said with a smile. At this point I was crying, I waved her over so I could hug her. My tears were fucking up everything but I don't care. I never knew I meant this much to people around me.

"Okay well, let's clean you up and get ready. You have 25 minutes now!" She smiled. I nodded and quickly fixed my makeup. B left the room leaving me with my crazy ass thoughts.

There was a knock at the door and they seemed impatient.

"One minute!" I yelled putting on makeup. The person didn't stop knocking, they actually knocked harder. Wtf?

I walked over to the door mad asf. People don't listen for shit!

"I said one min- MADIO BABY!!!!" I said jumping in his arms. "I thought you couldn't come! Omg you made it!!!" I said excited ash. My baby is here for me. "You not gone show me some love?" He said smirking. I quickly grabbed his face and kissed him like it was our last kiss.

"I love you too" I smiled at him. He smiled big and picked me up. I screamed like a child and laughed.

"These are yours" he said handing me some roses. "Aww thank you baby" I said kissing his lips again. "You're not suppose to thank me for something I'm suppose to do girl" he said smacking my ass. "Move it, I have to finish getting ready. I have less than 20 minutes" I said taking off my robe.

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