Chapter 18 : Things Gone Wrong

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As I walk through the dark ally trying to catch my breath, my mind just wonder to how I got here.

I have a amazing job, beautiful kids and a great ass man at home... and I fucked everything up for this crazy ass man.

When I came home one night, all of my things including my pots were on the porch. I tried to use my house key but it no longer worked. I quickly tried to text him explaining myself but he changed his number. FUCK!

On top of my clothes there was a note.

To: Tiff
From: Jayden

Man when I first found out about this shit I couldn't believe it so I hired somebody to follow you around and shit. He got pictures of everything hmm from you riding that Nigga dick all the way to the dinners he took you on along with the doctor appointments. Ion understand, if Yeen want me no more you could've said that shìt. Well now I see how it feels to be cheated on but you got it. Stay from around me man. And to think I was gone ask you to marry me next weekend at the fashion show. Shit happens.

I cried my eyes out reading that letter. I mean like two wrongs don't make a right. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. Now I'm running to save me and my next child's life.

When I first left the house, everything was fine. He treated me like a queen. Showered me with diamonds and pearls. Basically, he gave me hell dressed up in dollars.

I found out two weeks later that he had multiple issues and if he didn't take his meds... he would go crazy ahh. That's exactly what he did.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I seen headlights. I quickly ran out the ally and just kept running.

"Tiffany get your ass back here! When I catch you I got a nice ass whoopin waiting for you!" He shouted from the car. At this point I wanted to give up and die. I'm not even sure if my baby is okay. I'm bleeding and I'm feeling light headed but I refuse to stop.

Somebody, anybody please wake me up from this bad dream please!


"Hay I'm here to pick my kids, Karmen and Kameron." I said to the lady. It's was hot asf today and I was ready to go.

"Okay I'll have them right out." She said with a smiling. I nodded and moved aside to go sit down. 5 minutes later the women brought the twins out. Karmen was happy ash to see me but Kameron was mugging. Lol that's my boy.

"Dada dada!" She said smiling big. "Wassup Kar? Daddy miss you baby" I said kissing all over her face. "Wassup Kam kam? Yeen gone speak today?" I said looking at him.

This little Nigga looked at me and looked the opposite way. Man what the hell did I do to him.

Grabbing their car seat I walked out the door and bumped into someone.

"My apologies, I was not looking a- Reese?" I said looking at my sister. "In the flesh bro! How are you? I see you got your hands full with these cuties!" She said smiling at Kameron but he mugged her ass.

"Where the fuck you been? And why ain't nobody answering their fuckin phones? I don't even know if my mama dead or not!" I said walking to my car. "She's not alright!" She yelled at me. "Congratulations but y'all made it y'all business to not keep in contact with me for at least two years so keep it that way." I said getting in my car and pulling off.

I can't believe that shit, why do people think it's okay to pop in and out of mfs lives? Ion understand that shit.

Stopping at the stop light I got a text from Reese.

"You can be mad all you want but you have another child. This makes your third biologically. Congratulations."

Oh my god. Please don't be by the woman I'm thinking of please not her man. God please.


"I love you so much baby." I said picking up my daughter. She so cute and fat I can't help but love her.

"My two favorite girls, I love y'all." Riley said kissing her face and my lips. "Are you excited for the fashion show andddddd the draft?" I said as I put Kizzy on the bed. "Yes baby, I can finally start doing what I really love for a great pay. Providing for y'all is always the first thing on my list." He said smiling.

I love this man with everything in me lord knows I do.

"Um baby I have to tell you something." I said biting my lip. "Aw shit, good or bad?" He said leaning back on the dresser. "On my part bad but on your part amazing!" I smiled. "Huh? The hell?" He said confused. "Riley I'm pregnant!" I smiled at him.

His frown quickly turned into a big ass smile as he grabbed my face and a kissed me like it was our last time.

"Thank you Rose! But why is it bad for you? You're not ready for a second yet?" He said worried. "I'm worried about the pain, hell yes I want my kid!" I said hitting him. "I was making sure! It's the your body baby." He smiled and picked up Kizzy. "I hope it's a boy! No more Kizzys." He laughed kissing her face.

"Baby I talked to my mom today." I said sighing. "For real? What did she say Ro?" He said sitting down. "She said that she apologizes for the way she acted all these years. She just felt like a horrible mom because she didn't save me from what was happening with my speed donor. She wants to meet you and Kizzy tomorrow if possible." I said half smiling. 

Yeah my mom was a bitch for pulling something like that for all these years but you only get one mom. I would hate to lose her physically even though I lost her mentally for all those years.

"Hay hay, everything is fine aight? Just see where her head is at then we can go from there. You don't have to get close to her at first baby, take it slow." He said kissing my forehead. I nodded my head and wiped my tears.

"Thanks baby." I said smiling. I'm so lucky to have him in my life. "Always, now you know we gone need a bigger spot then this apartment right?" He said looking at me. "Yes but baby, when your mom finds out about this what you are doing she is going to kill you!" I said looking at him.

"What, it's not bad work Bae." He said catching a attitude. "Really Riley? This is the same man who hurt your mom! Now you're working with him! Not only will your mom be mad but so will your DAD!" I shouted and took Kizzy out of his arms. "You really think im out here moving weight and shit. I'M NOT! I keep track of their money to make money for us. THATS IT!" He said following me. "You so fucking stupid." I said shaking my head.

"How is making money for my family stupid? You ain't doing it!" He yelled at me as I put Kizzy in her crib.

"You're the same mother fucker who told me not to get a job because you GOT IT! You are working for a man who dropped you and Chase like a bad habit! Call your mom and ask her how she feels about her oldest son working for his dead beat ass daddy Riley! Call her now or I will!" I said folding my arms. He's so stupid.

"Why are you doing this, starting up more drama and shit." He said shaking his head. "Me? No why are YOU DOING THIS!" I said looking at his ass.

"Bet." He said walking off. Of course he not gone call her so I will. So fucking stupid.

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