Chapter 7 : YOLO

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I woke up the next morning and did my personal hygiene .. alone. It brought back memories that I never liked at all. Walking into the girls room I begin to panic but stopped once I ran downstairs.

There they were, sleeping on their dad's back peacefully. That man loves those kids like they are his own and the girls love his just as much.

I didn't want to bother them so I went into the kitchen to start making breakfast. While I cooked, I began to think of ways I could talk to Jj. I hate arguing with him but hay, there will be bumps in the roads, you just have to flatten them.

"Mommy.." I heard one of the girls say. "Good morning my beautiful Princess Lily." I said smiling and kissing her face. "How about you go wash your face and brush your teeth so you can eat breakfast. Sounds good?" I asked her. She nodded her head and walked upstairs.

"Good morning." I heard Jj say. "Um good morning baby can we talk after breakfast?" I said looking up him hold Leya. "I'll see." He said walking up stairs. This is going to be so hard.

Fixing everyone's plate, I sat them at the table and waited for my little family.

They finally came down the stairs laughing and playing.

"Mommy can we go to the park today?" Leya asked. "Yes baby now pray over your food and eat." I said smiling at her.

All you heard was forks making hella noise against the plates. The whole time I would catch myself staring at Jj for a second. I know he felt me looking too.

"Mommy we're done." Lily smiled with food all over her face. "Okay put your plates in the sink and go in the living room." I said kissing their heads.

Jj got up too and did the same. "Um Jj can we talk now?" I said playing with my fingers. "I told you I would see.. and I did. Ion wanna talk." He said looking at me. "Why? This is serious Jamar damn!" I said. "Don't call me that and you said what you was gone do last night so do it. I'm sick of arguing about the same shit just for you to do what you want in the end." He said with a chuckle.

"I thought about it last night okay? I want my child! Hell I never wanted to get rid of my child I was just scared. Like what if something happens to me or the baby J?" I said tearing up.

"Come here man." He said with a sigh. I walked over to him and he hugged me tight. "You know I love you right? And you know I would do anything for you? I just want you to stop hidin shit. I asked you the other week about being pregnant and you sat there and lied to my face. Ion like that and you know that. Of course you gone have my kids and both of y'all gone be healthy as ever. Shid you better hope it's not two." He said kissing my forehead. "I love you too." I smiled looking up at him.

I kissed his lips and of course he tried to get nasty.

"Uh uh the girls are in the next room." I said hitting his chest. "Daddy someone name Mr.Davie is at the door." Leya said trying to get his name right. "Okay baby girl here I come." He said looking at her.

"Tf is he doing here?" I asked confused. "Ion no but we about to see." He said kissing my lips and slapping my ass.

"Really Jj? That shit hurts!" I said mugging him. "I put a lot of ass back there man." He smirked walking to the door. I wanted to be noisey so I got closer to the door.

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