Chapter 12 : Nice Talk

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A month later

Kyla Jones

It's been a month since I returned home ... and I still haven't talk to Kelvin but I will today.

"So you're telling me.. you been in Tennessee for a month and haven't talk to the father of your kids about anything yet? Sof what the hell?" Madio said as he gave me a confused look. "I know Mad it sounds so stupid but it's hard." I said playing with my fingers. "Look as a man, I would want you to lay everything out on the table and not hide anything." He explained.

"Okay, I think I will tell him how I felt about everything while he was in jail. I will also tell him how I heard what he said to Riley and I completely understand." I said with a sigh. "Do you really understand Sof or are you just saying that?" He asked with his brow raised. "Somewhat, I just want what's best for my kids you know?" I said looking down.

"Hold your head up beautiful, there is no reason to frown. Everything will be okay, just talk to him." He said eating chips.

I blushed hard asf.

"This isn't weird to you? Like this doesn't make you uncomfortable?" I said curious. "I'm a grown ass man, I support everything you do. I know you were in love with this man and I know you're probably still love him and I can't change that for now. Regardless I will have to get along with him for the sake of you and your kids. I'm not on that childish shit and I'm not about to start. I'm tryna build a strong relationship with you not him anyways but unfortunately he comes along with that. I trust you enough to do the right thing in certain situations and you know what I'm talking about. If you break it, eh keep yo distance." He said licking his lips.

I nodded my head understanding where he was coming from.

"So, when do you start work?" He said getting up. "I start tomorrow actually, the twins are going with Kel and Chase will be in school. I have a amazing line for fashion week. I'm so excited! Can you come?!" I smiled looking at him. "I don't know Sof, when is it?" He said taking his shirt off. "So it's September 5th." I said biting my lip. "Damn I have a big meeting I can't miss Sof, I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you." He said looking at me with sad eyes. "How?" I asked looking at him.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He said winking. I rolled my eyes.

"Mommy I'm hungry, can I get fish and okrie" Chase said smiling. "Baby it's okra and sure give me a sec!" I smiled at him.

"Adios papi mommy duties are calling." I said laughing at his facial expression. "You're a mess but text me." He said smiling and hanging up.

Getting up, I walked into the twins room to see if they were still sleeping. Yes my kids have nap time, Chase ass just gets away with not taking them.

"Chase do you want to learn baby?" I asked as I grabbed the fish and the okra. "Yes!" He smiled climbing on the corner. "Growing up, when I didn't have much to do I would go to a small but great seafood place. I was there almost every day so they let me back in the kitchen. I was taught how to make my favorite meal; fish, salmon paddies, fries and okra. The best meal mommy could ever have. Now I'm passing it down to you." I said as I put the fish in the sink.

"I like seafood mommy!" He said as he watched me. "I bet! It's so good! Your daddy doesn't like it as much pumpkin." I said smiling. "What bout Mad?" He asked getting the oil. "Mad loves it baby, he eats oyster. He let me try fried breaded oysters, it was amazing." I said smiling. "Woaaaah I wanna try!" He smiled. "Yeah? I will buy some one day. How do you like your school? Any girlfriends baby?" I smiled.

"Yes! Her name is Esperanza!" He said smiling. "Really? Why do you like her?" I asked as I added the oil to the deep fryer. "She's pretty and smart and has long hair!" He said thinking. "Well is she coming to your birthday party? It's in a month baby." I said smiling. "Yes!" He yelled.

"Omg baby this is our song!" I said turning the oil on low and turning the volume up. I looked at the baby monitor camera to see the twins were still sleeping.

"My name is Olly, nice to meet you can I tell you, baby
Look around there's a whole lot of pretty ladies
But not like you, you shine so bright, yeah
I was wondering if you and me could spend a minute
On the floor up and close getting lost in it
I won't give up without a fight
I just wanna, oh baby
I just want you to dance with me tonight
So come on, oh baby
I just want you to dance with me tonight"

Olly Murs ~ Dance With Me Tonight

Me & Chase danced around the kitchen having mommy and son time. I love moments like this.

"Come on Chase you have to dance!" I said swinging my arms. "Mommy that dance is weird." He said laughing. "Really!" I said grabbing him and tickling him.

"Yo yo yo!" Riley said coming into the kitchen with Kel. We looked at each other but looked away. Yeah, it's time to freakin talk.

"Hi Riley, how is everything baby?" I said hugging him. "Good ma, how about you?" He asked letting me go. "Amazing for the time being. Are you still modeling for me?" I said frowning. "Yes ma'am I am." He said kissing my cheek.

"RILEY!" Chase said running towards him. "Sup Bug!" He said picking him up.

"Kyla can we talk?" Kel asked scratching his head. Here we go.

"Yeah sure! Boys I'll be back, watch the monitor just in case your brother or sister wakes up." I said walking out the kitchen.

"So wassup?" I said playing clueless. "Kyla don't fuck with me ma, you know why I wanna talk to you." He said frowning.

"Kel .. when you were locked up I had the hardest time with our family. All I wanted to do was see your face at least or just for you to keep me under control letting me know everything would be okay. No matter if it was or wasn't but you did the complete opposite. You broke me completely. How could you be the one to fix what the fuck Dave did to me then return the favor by doing the same shit? Then you cheated, or whatever you want to call it! That bitch didn't give a fuck about you! That bitch wasn't there through the process of you going to jail! That bitch isn't the mother of your fucking kids who was at home ALONE busting her ass to make sure her kids were straight. That bitch is no where near me and will never be that so I don't understand why you did it. It's plenty of ways to get out Kelvin, plenty! Did the bitch even help you get out? Because you gave me access to your account and damn near a half a million is missing! Do you even love me anymore Kelvin? Just tell me and don't lie because I heard you tell Riley you fell out of love with me. Is it true? I don't understand you, what did I do wrong? I just don't understand it." I said crying my eyes out.

"I know Ky! I know you had the hardest time when I was gone and as a grown ass man I respect you for keeping shit together. I just .. didn't want my kids seeing me in a damn jail house. Nah that's not the look I want them to see in life .. eva. As far as breaking you as a person I'm so sorry Kyla, that shit wasn't intentional man. I love you I do. And don't compare me to that lame ass nigga Dave! You know we ain't the same! I cheated for a reason! To get free to you and my kids! Plus my mama them ain't returning nun of my calls! Yeah that bitch ain't help me! That half a million went to the judge so he could let me off. I love you with every bone in my body Ky. It's just not the same as it use to be man." He said sitting down.

At this point I was in tears. Being in a relationship comes with so many things. Giving myself to this man was the biggest mistake of my life. Before I knew it, I slapped his ass.

"You're such an asshole you kno? If we aren't the same I wonder why? I asked you multiple times to basically build our relationship while you were locked up. And stop blaming me and my kids for your cheating! Just how you paid that judge you could've did the same damn thing without that BITCH! You just wanted a quick nut and apparently it wasn't good. And fuck you, you lied to me. You hurt me more than anybody else did." I said looking at him with tears.

"You know what, you got it. I'll just keep my distance unless it got some to do with my kids. And let me ask you some, I know you was pregnant when we fucked at the prison so let me know some. You killed my seed?" He said looking at me.

"Whatever, keep it that way. And I didn't kill anything technically. I took a plan b before your minute men could even march. It saved me the troubles. Get out." I said getting up and walking in the house.

That went great.

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