Chapter 11 : Home sweet home

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Dave East

"East?!" Somebody yelled while pushing me

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"East?!" Somebody yelled while pushing me. "What bruh damn?!" I said pushing whoever it was.

"The police is at your fucking door dumb ass!" My bm yelled. The hell the police doing at my shit.

Getting out my bed, I sighed loud as hell and walked to the bathroom. Doing my personal hygiene, I walked out the bathroom. I looked at my daughter Riley and smiled. I'll do anything for that lil girl.

"Aight what? What do y'all need?" I asked folding my arms and looking at the police. "Sir, Mrs. Kyla Jones has put a restraining order against you and if you do not follow these rules listed on this paper you will be locked up faster then you can say go. Do I make myself clear?" The officer said smiling. "Yeah." I said walking away and reading the papers.

"You are so dumb, I told you to leave that damn girl be. She's done David! COMPLETELY! You have our daughter to think about! You are not the same person anymore! You are less worried about your own child and I can't take it anymore! Get your shit together!" She shouted walking upstairs.

Damn, my life is falling apart. Slowly but surely. I really do need to get my shit together. This might be the end of me and Kyla.


"How did you like the ceremony for my cousin?" Kane said rubbing my back. "Boy I won't be surprised if everyone in that room was your cousin. Y'all have a big ass family. Oh yeah bae I seen my bestie Kyla!" I said clapping my ass.

"Fr? What was she doing there??" He said confused. "Welllll she was there supporting Madio. I know you're probably thinking wtf happened to her and Kel. Well Kel sorta kinda cheated while they were on a "fix it break" and Kyla is sick of being treated less than what she is worth. So she's being friends with Madio for the time being." I said with my eyes closed.

"Well shit, Madio sounds like he was speaking about his wife up there not a friend." He said looking at me.

"Actually, you're right. He spoke so high of Kyla. He most definitely put her on that queen pedestal." I said nodding my head. "Do you think Kyla is gonna give him a chance?" He said rubbing my back. "Honestly I don't think it will be any time sooner. Why? Because Kyla is literally heart broken by Kel. First Dave, now Kel? This is the main reason why she wanted to stay away from relationships. To save her the troubles and heartbreaks. Plus, Madio is here and Kyla is in Tennessee I'm not sure how that would work." I said with a sigh.

"Well look, I think she will give Madio a chance but it will be months from now but they will stay close friends now. But I don't want you to worry your big head about Ky. She's a smart girl she got this." He said kissing my head.

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