Chapter 15: New Shit

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"Yo what the fuck is your problem? Kel told me wtf you said to Kyla, what was all that about? I thought y'all was cool?" Jayden said yelling at me.

"You fucking her or me?" I said folding my arms. "What the fuck? That shit is nasty Tiffany! That's my damn little sister we're talking about! Ion no what's wrong with you but you need to get yo shit together! I'm not about to have my kids around this shit." He said grabbing my babies. "Where are you going with my kids?" I said grabbing his arm. "Get tf off of me." He said mugging me.

"Tell y'all mama bye." He said as he put Jr's jacket on. "Bye mommy!" Jr shouted. "Bye baby, be good for me!" I said kissing his cheek. I looked at Jayden one more time, he shook his head and walked out the door.

Y'all probably wondering why I'm upset with Kyla. Well... I don't really have a reason to be mad at her.

I'm actually mad at myself and needed to shame someone else for my wrong doings.

There's this new guy at work who has caught my eye about 5 months back. He's a gorgeous man and a lovely one too. He takes care of me and makes me feel special. I know, I have Jayden back at home but I just want to live a little. I've been with Jayden all my life, I wanted to try something new.

That's why I'm here now .. trying something new.

I'm pregnant with my fourth child but it damn sholl ain't Jaydens. Am I scared? Yes very much because he will probably whoop my ass and take my kids.

When I told Keith about the baby he was so excited. He even begin to create a nursery at his house. It's beautiful. I really feel wanted.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do when Jayden final realizes that I'm pregnant. I might as well just come out and tell him.

That's the best way, I deserve better anyways. No love lost.


"Hay, where are you?" I asked Madio. "I'm in my hotel room, I didn't want to just ask you to stay at your place because I respect your kids." He said laying down. "You can come over here though? I got in late this morning, sorry I didn't text." He said looking at me.

"Oh no you're fine! I can come up there. I need to show you my designs for the fashion show. The kids are at school and daycare until 4 so I'm free. Send me your location." I smiled. "Senddddd me your locationnnn." He sung. "Oh my gosh bye boy." I said laughing and hanging up.

Once he sent me his location, I got my things and made my way to him.

Before I made it to my destination I stopped and got seafood for us to eat on. This shit about to be so damn good.

Once I made it to this boujee ass hotel, I parked my car and grabbed the food.

Walking into the hotel, I walked to the elevator and hit 9. I waited for the elevator to reach the floor before exiting and looking at the room numbers.

"950 952 954 ahh 956!" I said out loud. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open up.

When he out the door, he had a banquet of roses in his hands. Awwwww!

"Oh my gosh Madio I love them!" I said while sniffing them. "I'm glad you do, I was trying to impress you with these cheap flowers. No amount of money could express my feelings towards you though." He said smiling and kissing my forehead.

"Omg I'm so in love right now." I said speechless asf. "Come on in." He said as he handed me the flowers.

His hotel room was basically a mini apartment, it literally had everything in here.

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