Chapter 27: Coming Together

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"Guys let's go! Everyone has a place to be this morning including you Karmen!" I said laughing at her. She was running around my room with only a pull up.

So it's been a few months since the fashion show and business is doing waaaaaay better than before. I have my company phones ringing off the hook on a daily. It makes me feel so wonderful but nothing is better than coming home to the loud house. All of my kids are now in school and learning. Claire is in high school and she's joining multiple clubs which keeps her busy. I love this life.

"Is this a cute outfit?" Claire said coming in my room. "Yes I love it baby" I said with a smile. "Hurry and check on Chase, he moves so slow" I said rolling my eyes. She nodded her head and walked out.

"Buenos días" Madio said kissing my face. Did I forget to mention we're staying together now? Big step but great choice.

"Hola papi" I moaned while laughing. "Why do you want to play this early huh?" He said picking up Karmen. "I'm in the mood babes" I laughed.

"Karmen where your clothes at" he said laughing and kissing her forehead. Her reaction was hilarious.

"Awww baby you're so beautiful" I said kissing her cheeks

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"Awww baby you're so beautiful" I said kissing her cheeks. "Ma ma" she said kissing my cheek.

"Baby can you get her dressed? I'm going to check on the boys" I said kissing his lips and walking out.

"CHASE & KAMERON ARE YALL READY?" I yelled. "Sof I could've did that" he said walking to Karmen and Kameron's room. "Hush it!" I smiled.

"Mommy I'm ready!" Chase said running out his room with his book bag. "Okay go wait downstairs with Claire" I said going to Kameron's room. He was sitting on the floor playing quietly with his blocks. My sweet baby.

"K man, let's get you dressed" I smiled picking him up. He loves his mommy yes yes.

"Now mommies big boy needs to go to the potty! You're already 1!" I said talking to him as he laughed. I was dead serious.

Getting him dressed and packing the twins bag I walked out their room.

"Ready?" I asked Madio as he held Karmen. That's why she's so damn spoiled, Madio & Kelvin asses.

"Alright let's go!" I said gathering everyone. "Alright Sof, I love you and if you need me I'm be at the shop" he said kissing my lips. "Okay & I love you too baby" I said as he closed my door and made sure the kids were in.

"Y'all be good at school, aye hea" he said sliding Chase & Claire money. I rolled my eyes.

Pulling off I began to make my morning kid drop off. It only takes up to 15 minutes because their schools are close by. Now, to work I go.

Life has been great for most of us, only a few things are out of place but it's nothing we can't fix.

"Hi everyone! How are you guys?" I said greetings my co-workers. Everyone replied with great and asked about my day.

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