Chapter 14 : Motormouth

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"What you want Trent? Ain't you suppose to be at school?" I asked my little brother as I opened the door. "I'm sick." He said walking in wiping his nose. "And you here!?!?" I yelled looking at him frowning. "Yea, dad was tripping." He said laying back on my couch. "Why am I not surprised." I said grabbing my phone. "Hay sexy." I smirked at Kyla as she laughed. "You're a weirdo." She smiled.

"I know I know." I said laughing. "Who is that?" Trent said getting up. Nosey ass mf.

"Damn business, get your some." I said mugging him. "Rude." Kyla said mugging. "I like her." Trent said laughing. "Look I have a meeting to go to so you gone need to go back home." I said walking to my room.

"You're so mean to him." Kyla said. "I'm not, Trent likes tough love not that baby shit. If anything that's the most I ever heard him talk before." I said changing my shirt. "Huh? What do you mean?" She said confused. "Just know Trent is basically a silent killer, I actually think he's a hit man." I said thinking. "This family tells me everyday how crazy y'all are." She said shaking her head. "I'm not crazy." I said laughing. "It's always the goofy boys that are crazier than usual but hay I'm crazy too but I have to go, mommy duties are calling!" She smiled in the camera. "Shid but okay, I'll text you Sof." I said waving bye.

She smiled and hung up.

Changing my clothes I sighed as I looked in the mirror.

This is not the life I wanted to live man .. eva

Kyla Jones

So me and the girls are having lunch together at this big ass park so I decided to wear my comfy clothes.

"Mommy I don't want you to go!" Chase said folding his arms

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"Mommy I don't want you to go!" Chase said folding his arms. "Baby I will be right back, daddy is fun too!" I said kissing his head. "Daddy doesn't sing!" He said mad. "He can rap though." I said winking as a smile begin to creep on his face.

"Look baby I'm going out with your aunties I'll be back soon. Your dad is outside." I said opening the door.

"Sup Ky." Kel said hugging me and kissing my forehead. "Hi! So you know everything so I don't have to tell you. The twins are in their play pin! Have fun and call me if you need me." I said kissing all of my kids.

Leaving the house, I walked to my car and called the Group chat.

"Hiiiiiii!" I smiled from ear to ear. "You too loud already bitch." Zeekie said. "Hi Auntie K!" Leya & Lily said in the camera. "HI AUNTIE BABIES!" I said getting excited. "Girl they are a mess! But I'm otw stop FaceTiming and driving!" Tjaa said hanging up and everyone else followed.

Pulling up to the park, I got out and grab the picnic things I was suppose to bring.

"Do you need some help?" A deep voice said scaring the shit out of me. "Omg you just scared the shit out of me! But um no thank you!" I said turning around and being met with a bare chest.

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