Chapter 26: Drama

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"I don't want to keep doing this Kelvin if you're going to keep trying to get back with her! I see and hear everything! I'm sick of being behind the damn scenes!" Bia yelled.

"What you want me to do huh? If you open your mouth she's gonna know I cheated with your ass months before I went to jail" I sighed. "It doesn't matter! You just need to be here for my child! I'm sick of trying this relationship! You don't know what you want! All these damn secrets is making your life horrible! I'm done Kelvin!" She yelled walking out.

"FUCK!" I yelled irritated. Yeah I cheated on Kyla and had a somewhat of a side family. It wasn't suppose to happen like this man.

Me and Bia actually graduated high school together

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Me and Bia actually graduated high school together. One day we seen each other at the store and decided to have lunch to catch up. One thing led to another then I had her bent over her sofa fucking her like there was no tomorrow.

8 months later, Bia hit me back up saying she scared and pregnant. Me being the man I am, I made sure she was straight... without letting Kyla know.

My life is so messed up right now.


So I'm 2 months pregnant now and Im feeling even worse about myself. Montana helped me get a job at the local clinic for the time being.

My cousin Dame hit me up on Facebook saying she saw Jayden with a bitch the other night at Kyla's fashion show after party. Yeah Kyla ass is a shady bitch, I know she knew about this new bitch before anybody did!

"Wassup" Montana said coming in the kitchen and grabbing a apple. "Wassup, how did you sleep?" I said eating fruit. "Good, how is things back home and shit?" He asked looking at me. "Well Jayden has a new bitch" I said mad ash. "Okay and you got pregnant by another guy. What's your point?" He said throwing shit in my face. I mugged his dumb ass.

"What? You expected dude to stay loyal to you and not move on after you cheated and got pregnant? That's not how that works in the real world chica. I told you before to focus and yourself and your kids." He said shrugging.

"He cheated on me and I went back to him" I said playing with my fingers. "Whose fault was that? Either way Tiff two wrongs don't make a right!" He said shaking his head.

"I know, I just wanted him to myself" I cried. "That's not the way to do it, drama is the last thing you need" he said going in the refrigerator.

This past month has been okay with Montana, he gives great advice. I'm just stuck on me and Jayden's relationships.

I just can't let go.


"So you're just gone drop her kids off with me just because they are not yours? That's selfish!" Tiffany's mom said. "I tried ma, I swear! Shit hurts when you know that little girl you cared for ain't yours man." I said as a tear rolled down my face.

She sighed and walked over to me.

"Jayden, I know this is hard for you because you loved those kids with everything in your body. I tried contacting Tiffany but I'm not sure how. It's like she abandoned her kids and Tiff never does that" her mom said. I nodded my head and stood up.

"Jr let's go" I said wiping my face. "Bye grandma!" He said hugging and kissing her. "See you later baby" she said with a smile as we walked out the door.

"Daddy?" Jr said as we walked out to my car. "Wassup?" I said helping him in the car. "Why are you crying?" He asked confused. "Daddy not happy" I said trying to keep it short. "We can go get ice cream to make you feel better" he said with a smile.

"I got a feeling that's your way of asking me can we get ice cream" I said smiling at him. Jr fell out in laughter while I started the car.

It's been a couple weeks since I heard from Isabella ass, she just went ghost on me. Like, one minute we were good. The next, she ghost.

I think ima pull up.

"Hay we can go get ice cream after Daddy makes a stop alright?" I said looking back at Jr. He nodded his head and continued to play on his tablet.

The drive to her apartment didn't take long, we were there in no time.

"Let's go man" I said picking up Jr. He walks so damn slow at times man. Reaching the elevator, we got on and Jr asked to push the button.

Getting off, we made our way to her door and knocked. I wanted to be difficult so I covered the peephole.

"Who is it?!" She yelled opening the peephole. I heard her sigh and unlock the door. She on some other shit, black folks don't do that.

"What do you want Jayden?" She said rolling her eyes. "Well hello to you too stranger!" I said putting Jr down on the couch.

"What Jayden? What is it?!" She said mugging me. "Bab- I'm not your baby!" She said cutting me off. I sighed hard ash. This girl gone stress me out already man.

"Isabella can you at least let me know what I did wrong?" I begged her as I followed her around. "Can you please stop following me?!" She said irritated. "Can you tell me what I did?" I said smirking. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Jayden, I like you I do but I just feel like you're rushing everything just so you can get over your ex. I don't want to be your rebound Jayden. And if that's the case then I can drop this relationship that's building up right now." She said looking up at me. I sighed and sat on the bed.

"Look, my apologies aight? I didn't mean to rush this, and I mean sexually as well. I don't want you to feel like I'm using you for sex or to heal from Tiff ass okay? I truly like being around you everyday. Your personality is to die for and I'm here for that shit if you let me" I said looking at her.

"I don't know Jayden, then you have this baby mama drama and I'm not here for that. I can love your child like he's mine but if your baby mama has a problem with it I don't want to be apart of it" she said tightening her robe. "Listen to yourself, I'm slap her ass before I let her say anything about you taking care of HER responsibilities! If anything she need to be thanking you hell! This single parenting shit ain't easy man! Especially when I'm tryna figure out if my kids are my kids" I said getting mad. Isabella sighed and walked towards me.

"Thank you" she smiled grabbing my face. "For?" I said confused. "For actually caring enough to chase my ass" she giggled. "Yeah yeah yeah. You wanna meet Jr?" I said hugging her waist. She nodded her head and smiled.

"Jr, I want you to meet somebody" I said grabbing Isabella hand. "This is Isabella, Isabella this is Jayden" I said to them.

"Hi baby, you look just like your dad!" She said rubbing his hair. "Are you my new mommy?" He said smiling. "Oh no baby, your mommy is on vacation! I'm a friend of your dads! I can be your best friend okay?" She said bending down to him. Jr smiled hard and hugged Isabella's neck.

Damn, when the fuck is Tiffany coming back?

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