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There were once two brothers, born under the king.

The first brother had hair and eyes white as snow. After the second son was born, however, the first child was thrown out at age two.

The second brother wore brown hair and green eyes. He was praised for how well behaved and polite he was, not knowing who his brother was until he turned fifteen.

"Father?" He walked into the living room in which the king was reading a book in. A warm light in the whole room, rainfall outside.

"Yes, Xander?" The middle aged man looked up from his book, watching his son sit at the burgundy couch across from him.

"Why do the teachers at school keep saying I'm 'better than the other brother'?" The king flinched at that, closing his book as Xander waited for his answer.

The king waved the guard out of the room, setting the book on the coffee table in front of him. "You have an older brother."

"I what? Why have I only just found out now?" The brunette raised his voice slightly, more confused than angry.

"He was a curse. We haven't seen him since he was nine."

"Do you know where he is now? What's his name?"

"No. Xavier isn't worth your time."

"Father, does anyone know?"

"Go play with your friends." The guard heard this and rushed in, ushering Xander into his room.

"Hey X, why did you leave so quickly?" Doc set the ds down infront of him, Xander sitting next to him.

"I have a brother. They won't let me meet him."

"What was his name?" Keralis asked, laying on his stomach on Xanders bed and kicking his feet.


Doc gasped, "I've heard of him! He lives near my street, goes by the name EX."

"People say he's able to touch the void!" Keralis was excited to know his friend was brothers with him, "I hear he's lots of fun to hang out with!"

"Let's see if we can go over to your house Doc." Keralis was about bouncing off the walls as Doc smiled and nodded, the creeper and prince almost running to talk the king.

"Father! Father! Can I go over to Docs house if I'm escourted?" The king sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Fine, fine, take the trainee and a professional, then." The guard messaged someone and told them to go to the door.

The two knights were already there, doors open for them. Wels bowed, jokingly, and snickered " 'ello my good prince."

Xander bowed back, giggling a " Allo, my fair knight."

The older knight gave Wels a small whack on the back of the head, then they both escorted the three children to Docs house.

"Now, Doc, take me to where my apparent brother is."

"You got it X."

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