× Fourteen ×

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When Xisuma got back to the hotel room, Grian was holding EX by the collar of his shirt, some bruises littered EX- which might've actually been from the previous event, since he didn't exactly know what happened, rather than Grian, but Xisuma just assumed it was Grian who did it. Xisuma ran over and pushed Grian off of EX, "what the hell Grian? He's still sick from respawn!"

"It wasn't me," Grian lied bluntly, crossing his arms.

"You just yelled at me for the mask bullshit, liar. How was I supposed to know the concequences were wings and some abuse from a person whose supposed to be a friend?" EX stammered, clutching to Xisuma.

"Hold on, wings? Mask?"

The albino in Xisuma's arms face flushed with realization, "shit."

"Explain," Xisuma blanketed his confusion with a slightly angry tone, "now."

EX looked at Grian, who turned his nose and went to the door. "Grian, if you leave I'll hunt you down and perma kill you. Get over here and tell me what's happened."

Grian plopped onto the other bed, glaring at EX, "well, first, he decided to put on a sacred mask of mine, that happened to give him powers he won't know how to control. Then, he went against my request to remove those powers."

"Why would I want to cut off a pair of wings?" EX growled, which turned into a small cough fit. "Only insane people do that! It would hurt like the nether because we can't get anesthesia."

Grian grumbled something under his breath, then stood up and walked out, "I need some fresh air!"

"EX are you o-"

"Just fine, don't worry." Xisuma nodded and looked to the floor.

A small dog yipped from the hallway, rushing into the room and jumping on the bed with EX and Xisuma.

A tired Joe followed, stammering slightly as he took in deep breaths, "sorry EX, Xisuma, I couldn't catch him before he got here."

EX, pleasantly surprised, pat the dogs head, "what's his name? Or did he just show up?"

"I was thinking Capuplet." Joe shrugged, seeing EX heave a sigh and Xisuma slap a hand to his forehead. "Still open to suggestions, though."

"We're not making a Shakespeare reference in a Hermitcraft book." Xisuma muttered under his breath, making sure the other two didn't hear him.

"What was that?" EX tilted his head curiously towards Xisuma. His brother shook his head, making EX more confused.

"I can't think of a better name," the dog sniffed EX's back, and gently nibbled it. "Capuplet, there's nothing there."

Xisuma nudged EX, a frown on his face. The albino grumbled, "do I have to?"

"Can me and Joe see them at least?"

EX sighed, the pulled his shirt off the show the wings, which were about the size of a parrots. They were mostly black, the tips of the primaries and secondaries with a splash of purple.

"May I?" Joe asked, his expression full of wonder, as he sat near EX.

"Knock yourself out, but there's not much there." EX shrugged, his wings stretching.

Grian glared at EX, who had just fell asleep. He slowly climbed out of bed, sneaking to Sam, then whispered in his ear. "Sam, you want me to release you?"

"Release me? Seriously?" Sam deadpanned, leaning against the wall in his binding. "And what are you going to do after that? How are you going to make EX believe you're innocent when EX knows you went to bed after him?"

"I can plant the blame on Doc and put the rope in his bag." Grian stated nonchalantly, pulling the nearby butterfly blade EX kept on the table nearby, and pulled the rope holding Sam. He stuck the knife between Sam and the rope, blade facing away from the person, then swiftly cut the rope off.


A/n: Hey, sorry I went off the radar for a bit (this happens to much for my liking but I can't really help it :[ )

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