× Nineteen ×

31 1 0

A/n: I sped up the tournament thing a bit and I'm sorry but enjoy Wels bullying Rowan.
[Gore warning]


EX stopped his struggling, trying to put on his best brave face as he snarled. The blonde above him just grabbed his jaw and shook his head, "you should be scared of us, Xavier. We're going to rip your pride and leave you with nothing until you're a useless pile of wasted potential, and you're just going to sit and watch from the back seat." 

EX whimpered as three items were rested beside him. One was known as a scolds bridle, which was used on liars for public humiliation, another one was a heretics fork, which people used to silence accused at a trial, and the last one was a chasity belt, which restricted anything from happening in his hip area. "You can only hope this is the right size. You know you still have a second to tell use what we want to know."

The chasity belt painfully nipped his inner thigh and waist, and was in fact too small for his legs. Then they strapped the scolds bridle on him, the metallic taste almost too unbearable and making him gag. "There there, since you didn't talk earlier you won't talk now, so we're just going to hush you up."


"A halfwitted cretin? I beg your pardon? And you claim I'm the one breaking knights code."

"It is not an assumption when you prove my claim true." Wels turned to face Rowan, not regretting his statement.

"I raised you, trained you for three years of your life and worry about your safety, and you call me a halfwitten cretin? Do you know who you are talking to, boy?"

Wels stood firm, he wasn't about to roll over for Rowan anymore. He turned his nose up, "you may have trained me but you disrespected me most of my life. Not once have you actually cared for my health, otherwise you wouldn't have done so many things that you reserved as punishments."

Rowan thought for a second, his anger bleeding out of his armour like it would from a deep slash. "Let us fight like true knights and not average townsfolk, since you claim to be capable of knowing the rights from wrong."

Wels nods, a cocky smile resting under his bandana. "I shall wear my mail."

"Noon tomorrow. Meet me in the square. Miss, and you will be publicly executed by the robot. I know where you are working." Rowan said before walking off.

The robot? Could it be one of the things that helps Grian? Wels moved around EX's abandoned home as he thought, readying it for the group to arrive when they will.


Wels stood in his knight armour, waiting for Rowan to arrive for their duel. He evened his breathing, keeping himself calm as he counted the seconds that ticked by. Ten seconds felt like twenty years, and once Rowan arrogantly strutted into view, a smirk on his face as if he already won, Wels relaxing slightly. Rowan didn't do much training often, he didn't really have to since he was a person in command and refused to join in fights. "I see you showed up."

Wels raised an eyebrow under his helmet, rolling his eyes. "I would've been honored to fight a robot, but I decided to humor you and your absurd proposal."

The townspeople whispered to eachother, watching closely as the two knights approached eachother and stood almost face to face. "Cocky are we? Another break in the knight's code, boy."

"I am not assuming I will win against you or the robot." Wels retorted, "shall we get this childish battle you wished overwith?"

"The horses are awaiting at the tournament field." Rowan turned away, leading Wels to the arena. "Knock me off my horse and force me into submission and I will let you continue your search, if you get that fate instead you shall reveal your friends location and be thrown in prison with a death sentence from treason, yes?"

"I agree to these conditions." The arena was long, yet not as big as Wels had expected. He had never been able to go to an actual tournament but he still had training for this, so he had his hopes that he was going to come out victorious.

"Mount your horse and ready your lance, Wels." Rowan hissed, walking to the other side and taking his lance from from his liege. The he mounted the horse, Wels mimicking him on the opposite side of the arena.

"My lords and ladies, these knights are putting their lives upon the line to settle their differences, I may ask you to use your voices to encourage each of the two knights regardless of which you support more. I must ask each of you to be respectful to whomever you talk to during this and may the best knight win." The announcer standing between Wels and Rowan projected, raising his arms. "Once I reach three, charge your horses and steady your lances, humble knights. May Notch offer luck to you both."

Wels prepared his stance, gripping the cone sword tight as he positioned it at an angle that would hit Rowan in the chest if he was calculating correctly. The announcer counted slowly, stepping back with each number, "one. Two. Three. "

Wels and Rowan yanked their horses reins down with a snap, the horses neighing loudly before rushing foward. Wels leaned forward and stuck his sword out more, the two quickly moving towards eachother. The lance made contact with Rowans chest, Wels swinging his arm forward and twisting the lance in a hope to knock Rowan off his horse, once Rowans lance met Wels.

Wels couldn't breath for the few seconds of the lance being against his chest, his heart pounding as he managed to push Rowan off his horse and onto the ground, the younger one keeping his position on his horse as it treaded forward.

"Wels is victorious!" The announcer pointed to the young knight with his hand, who was amazed at his win. Wels looked towards Rowan, who sat up with an agressive glare, and the younger knight stuck out his tongue and pulled an eyelid down with a middle finger as an insult towards Rowan. His nerves calmed down, and while he knew it was innapropriate to swear such a thing at Rowan, but didn't regret it.

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