× Nine ×

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"Auctora? Is that her name? The dragon of the end?"

"Grian, can you talk to her with this?" EX looked at the mask, forgetting he shouldn't put it on.

"Yes..." Grian realized what EX meant, "no, wait, don't use it!"

"I need to speak to Auctora." EX said, putting the mask on. Grian yelled for him to stop before EX was taken elsewhere.

"Xavier, what are you doing here?" The dragon spoke from its perch, looking down on Xavier.

"I need help. Please. Me and Xander are in trouble." EX bowed before he spoke, giving Auctora a hopeful look.

"I am only able to give you one thing," Auctora said, bowing back, then dropping something in his hand. "Xavier, it was nice to see you. But Grian says you can't stay."

EX gasped as the mask was forced off of him, Grian holding the mask closer to his chest.

Grian stared at him. "You spoke to her huh?"

A silent nod.

"Why didn't you listen, EX?"

EX huffed, feeling slightly remorseful. He looked to his hands, "what's this?"

He unwrapped his fingers from the item lying in his palms. It seemed to be a hair tie, it was purple with that same symbol on Grians mask on one side of it. "EX, what did you do?"

"She offered me something." EX blatantly put it, throwing the hair tie on his wrist. "We should sleep, it's getting late."

"X-eye-sooma already got a head start on it." The blond said, pointing to the other side of EX's bed. His brother was practically knocked out.

"Well, goodnight, I'll watch Sam for a little bit longer." Grian nodded and turned off the lamps light, EX walking to the corner and sitting.

"Sam?" EX whispered, poking his cheek lightly. "I know you're awake."

"What do you want?" Sam huffed, giving the albino a glare that could kill.


"Why what?"

"Why did you do this?"

"You have a bounty on your head." Sam sat up, a smile ghosting his expression. "A stack of diamond blocks."

"And you took it? Is that why you were my friend?"

Sam nodded, his guilt almost peaking through "plus, I could get the gang back together."

"well, we'll make sure to have a field day with you."

"What time is it?" Sam stretched his legs, yawning quietly.

"Time to get some sleep." EX stood up, "we'll deal with you later."

"Goodnight Sam." Sam groaned as EX got into the bed, he was begging for attention like a puppy but EX was too tired to care.


He wanted to go back to sleep. His back and his hands hurt like hell. "Morning EX."

"G'morning Gri." EX nodded and stretched when he sat up, popping the bones in his spine comfortably. "Where'd Xisuma and Doc go?"

"To hang out with Keralis and Bdubs." Grian shrugged, a coffee pot in hand, "want some coffee?"

"I'll shower first." The albino pulled his hairtie out and tossed it on the side table, lazily treading into the bathroom.

The mirror looked a bit off to him once he got his shirt off. For some reason there was a bit of purple tuff on his back, and he thought it was his eyes playing a trick on him.

He poked at the area where the tuff seemed to be to stop his paranoia that something was there, but was met with a small area covered in feathers that looked like they were from a newborn bird. They were soft, but he didn't expect anything to actually be there. "Grian?"

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