× Twenty ×

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[Gore warning]

Then they made his head stretch his neck and attached the heretics fork, which had two thin, shark sticks attached to a single one on both sides stabbing at the bottom and tops of his neck. "The peeler, NPG."

A potato peeler was put into Grians hand, a shiver going up EX's spine as Grian pressed the cold blades to his skin, a sadistic grin covering the teens face. "This is going to hurt, but you already know that, you masochist." 

Grian pressed the peeler to EX's skin and slowly dragged it down, the skin shrivelled slightly as the thin line got longer and longer. EX felt a burning sensation where the metal met his fascia, lingering and leaving small droplets of blood to build up and dribble over as he cried out. "Are you going to cry again? Weak. You can't even handle this, how would you be able to be strong enough to keep away a royal guard? How would you be able to keep dear ol' Joe safe? How would you be able to keep Xander safe?"

EX couldn't speak as he sobbed, his breath shaking as Grian cut the skin that stuck between the peeler and EX, and repositioned it to a spot beside the previous one, then dragged it down again.

Grian took it off EX's skin, then moved it to his cheek, quickly slicing at the skin and removing it with ease. EX tried to pull his face away, yepling as Grian did it until his cheeks were paper thin. "You seriously think you'll be able to stop us later? You can't even do it now, you pathetic useless hobo. Why didn't you give up before it started?"

Each word began to hurt more than the last and had caused EX to put up less and less of a fight as Grian sliced his limbs and face with a dull peeler. NPG was enjoying EX's nearly dry sobs and how his body shook whenever Grian would press the blade against his destroyed skin. Grian noticed his lack of struggling and smirked, removing the blade once he thought EX was cut enough.

EX's chest and stomach were nearly flattened with the blood pooling into the dip Grian had created, his cheeks were thin as paper and if he opened them any more than they already were they would rip, his arms and legs were scrapped all around and bled onto the sheets of the bed. His dick was completely mutilated, a few inches thinner than it's normal 9.9 centimeters, and everything Grian had shaved off would stay off almost completely permanently.

Grian chuckled as EX choked on his vocal chords, no tears coming to his eyes anymore as he stared at the ceiling with empty eyes. "Look NPG, he's giving up."

(Torture end)

Wels looked to Rowan, who wore the most offended look he'd ever seen in his life. Rowan scoffed, standing up and dusting himself off before he walked over to Wels and stuck out his hand with a sneer. "That was a fine battle, Wels. I shall let you continue what you had originally planned.."

Wels shook Rowans hand, a proud smile under his helmet as he did.


"Father, I'm doing my be-"

"No! Grian, you don't understand how important it is that what you do is for information you imbecile!" The young boy shrunk, nodding a little as he looked at the ground. "Now, be competent like your brother, NPG, alright? He's well behaved and gets things done twice as fast as you do. Be more like him and maybe I wouldn't punish you so often, or I would even consider giving you compensation for your work."

"Y-yes sir." Grian walked out calmly, falling to the floor once he reached his room and sobbing in his own arms. Be more like NPG. Why can't you do things right? It's not that hard. Why can't father just approve of you?

"Grian-?" A robotic voice came from the door, a light shining behind him since Grian forgot to turn on the bedroom light.

"What?" He sounded colder than he thought.

"I heard father yell at you, none of it is your fault." He walked to Grian, his walking was slightly stuttery before it halted. "He shouldn't treat you like that."

"I know, I deserve better, I know." Grian murmured, feeling some cold arms wrap around him gently.

"You can leave the rest to me if you want," NPG whispered, "I know you'll do anything for approval, but some things should be left to the emotionless. I can see it in your eyes, Grian. No matter how much anger you release on him it gets released more internally. You're hurting yourself by hurting him."

"You aren't emotionless, and I'm fine, NPG. How many times must I tell you?" Grian looked over his shoulder to his brother.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault dad made you because I wasn't perfect."

"It is not your fault you are not perfect. Nobody is." A sob broke through Grians mouth, he turned and clinged to NPG, trying to keep his wails as quiet as he can. NPG rubbed his back gently, avoiding the leftover nubs of his ripped off wings to not hurt him.

"It hurts so badly. Help me brother."

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