× Eleven ×

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"Hey, Sam?"

"Yeah?" Sam looked to EX, a smile dropping from his face when he saw EX's frown.

"Will this ever change?" EX turned towards Sam, looking for any little bit of reassurance.

"Not if we have anything to do about it!" Sam put EX in a headlock, ruffling his hair with his fist as EX laughed and begged him to stop.

EX shook his head, feeling something wet roll down his cheek. A tear, why was he crying? He stared at the admin screen ahead, the list of commands he could do. When was ban an option?

A list of everyone online, too? He tapped it, viewing all the names. All of the people on there showed up, Grian, Xisuma, Sam, all of them.

"Why were you crying?" EX jumped, looking to the corner of the room and spotting Sam.

"No reason." He tapped on Sam's name, it displayed all his statistics on the world, when he joined, everything.

"And I'm a sheep." Sam rolled his eyes, "why don't you want to talk to me?"

"Maybe it's because you betrayed my trust? Maybe it's because you tricked me?" EX lowered the admin screen, speaking in a snarky tone. "You shattered our friendship on the concrete and spit on it."

Sam knew he couldn't fight that, he did everything EX said he did and he couldn't say he didn't.

EX closed the screen, standing up and walking to the door, "I'm getting fresh air, don't move."

"Not like I can." Sam replied, a sneer in his tone, as EX left him in the room. EX went outside of the hotel, walking around the village to see what was where and to get a sense of where everything was.

Whispers began tugging at his mind, which he definantly wasn't used to. "Go to Grian." "Join us. Join us.." "This isn't worth it in the end."

He shook his head, he wasn't going to listen. Not today. Maybe he should go to the Hub world to get his mind off everything going on? That seems smart.

He popped up the screen, tapping on "leave world" and heading into the dangerous place that is the Hub.

People were running left and right, some flying from place to place, others fighting shop owners and threatening anyone who bumped into them. He weaved his way through the crowd, looking for a specific shop to get his mind off things.

Down the dark, creepy alley he goes, to get to where he's going. This always wrecked his nerves, anyone could be hiding in the shadowy entrances and he didn't know how strong anyone would be here.

Something bumped into him, then slammed him into the wall. The person was wearing a cloak, so he couldn't see their face, only hearing a familiar voice leave through the hole, "EX."

"Who are you?" The cloaked figures nails dug into EX's shoulder, his flinch away from the nails only made them hold on harder.

It pressed a knife to his neck, pushing him to a different door than he planned to go to, "silence. Follow."

He did as the figured asked. Respawning didn't exist here he could die forever, that was the last thing he wanted to happen.

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